Hi, yes, there is always at least one camping weekend each Summer, as well as quite a few members who regularly go tosome of the big events together. Busfest / vanfest, whatever you call it, is one of the most popular. Several of the regularsgo with their young families, so ideal for you by the sound of it !We now have a facebook page, search for Surrey Aircooled and you should find it. There are always a few members at ourmonthly meetings at The Marquis of Granby on the Scilly isles roundabout, just half a mile from Sandown park, on the firstWednesday of the month.Cheers, Tony.
Hi, yes, there is always at least one camping weekend each Summer, as well as quite a few members who regularly go to
some of the big events together. Busfest / vanfest, whatever you call it, is one of the most popular. Several of the regulars
go with their young families, so ideal for you by the sound of it !
We now have a facebook page, search for Surrey Aircooled and you should find it. There are always a few members at our
monthly meetings at The Marquis of Granby on the Scilly isles roundabout, just half a mile from Sandown park, on the first
Wednesday of the month.
Cheers, Tony.