You do what you and your concience decree to be right. Was this new badge sold as a repro for the bus, or was it destined elsewhere? Thinking Ghia, type 3 perhaps? My personal feeling would be to bin the shiny thing and polish the original.
My bus has a king/link pin beam and some westy bits in a deluxe microbus, so it's not 'standard'. However, I personally think some things are nicer as Hanover intended, even (especially) when showing signs of age.
To use the reasoning I do when people ask 'are you doing it up?' I say, 'If I replace all the original fittings, then why buy an old one? Might as well get a Brasilian and forget age, character, and god I hate the overused word, patina! Replace the headlining, re-trim the seats, new carpets,new door cards, that 60's German built bus is now a 'noughtys' assembled south american fake.
I am not so blinkered as to not accept that sometimes parts are so far gone that replacement is the only option,(my drivers seat for one), but if its original and not broke, then don't fix it!
Ramble over, back to my box....
Oh, and if the stuff is from JK, then chances are you will be driving a 'Chinese' Volkswagen. Why bother.