Which door?

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
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So, I have a 72 crosser but at some point the doors have been swapped. The drivers door has a small hole adjacent to the window and I'm assuming this is for a typical 70's press-down, pull-up locking button? The passenger door has no hole.

I've been told that I have a late bay door on the drivers side and that there are differences and I have 3 concerns:

1. My internal door opener has broken so am I buying an early or late part?
2. When buying door cards (it's going through a refurb at the mo) I hear that the internal openers might be in different places so how do I tell?
3. Are there 72 only doors?
Had the same issues. There is a thread on this. But here is what I found. My van is a 72 and I had one door that had the modern style pull up door lock and one that had the lock mech next to the door pull. I wanted to keep the latter but to do so had to drill holes in the more modern door to reposition the door pull and lock. I then used a river gun thing which rivets in a new screw thread. Can't remember the name of it. I have a photo somewhere. Also had to make a new bar that goes from the door pull to the lock. It wasn't hard but I was lucky I could borrow the tool. As to door cards measure both to the door mech you want to keep. The door below is the one with the 70s style door lock pull. i drilled holes to reposition the lock


I was told that all doors are the same apart from a 69 only, could be 68. So your doors should be fine.
By the way putting all your glass and seals back!!! Nightmare
This is perfect. Thanks!

PS I think the tool is called a Rivnut gun... ;)
The doors with the "door pins' or as you called it push up and push down, are from a 68 only. They also use a push button styled exterior door handle rather than the trigger styled from 69 on

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