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Well-known member
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Apr 22, 2012
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I don't know if this is going to work.
I introduced Boris a while back and since then have been frantically gutting and redoing him and getting him ready for his trip to have his inside redone. I am no good at that sort of thing. I have taken photo's along the way but have not had chance to load them all on the site. I amno computer fundi and my son who is says he can't be arssed reteaching me every time. :lol: :lol: :oops:

Anyway hopefully this link will take you to the album with the first few pic's of Boris at his old home then all the way up to present day. Today I started him with my stomach in my mouth fingers crossed and anything else that would cross.
Got the oil pressure up before allowing the spark. Added spark a little juice and Boris is alive. Checked timing and think I have set the carb, need a tacho to see rpm. One of aspro's perfect pieces awaits connection.

Well I hope you are able to see something.
My heart felt thanks go out to all who have had a hand in any part of this resurrection, from sales to technical to just plain advice, without you lot we would not be where we are now. Special thanks to Sparkywig Ozziegog and Trikky2 for putting up with my constant pm's.

Trebor you finally get the proof there is one :lol: :lol: . Good luck in your project, have been reading your trials and trib's.

Thanks again everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully more to come as we progress." onclick=";return false;

J & P
:D :D :D
Very nice lad ! Mind you it's too clean for me :D I prefer a bit of grime, oil, paint flaking ;) not really I'm kidding myself :cry: I'm thinking of selling my body to science to raise money for something finished :!:
After eventually removing the fire wall, cleaning etc, I used one sided sticky draught excluder from Screwfix
Came in a 7m roll for about six to eight quid.

Worked like a charm. oh and it is by no means to clean there is rust , just no money to fix yet.

J & P
:D :D :D
Some more work being done over the weekend (wet)." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Filled with juice for this weekend coming up ,off to have his innards done down in the Dorchester area. Hoping for a good job.
Will be gone for 5 weeks. Have loads of house repairs to keep me busy apparently!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

J & P
:D :D :D
So the day finally arrived and it was off to Crossways Dorchester.
Left early Sunday morning to be there around 9h30." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Forgot put these on before leaving" onclick=";return false;

All gone for five weeks baring any hickups,fingers crossed.

J & P
:D :D :D

This is the company in Crossways and just outside Dorchester
Hope this works. Free advertising for all concerned. :lol: :lol:

J & P
:D :D :D

Oh yes it does thanks Sparkywig.!!
Love to take credit for the gauge mount , however the po made this and I changed his gauges (electronic) for the Sunpro
ones now in place and mine work. :lol: Gauges supplied by Early VW off EB.

I think the ride height is a little high but will wait till internals are in to see how much weight he gains.

Thanks for the comments everyone.

J & P
:D :D :D
Job's being done whilst the boy is away in prep for his return :lol: :lol: :lol: Must remember to ask Myvanway how to put on transfer?

Setting up wiring diagram for install. Anybody have any idea which wire the one that's attached to the ignition is it permanent live or switched live or on only when running?

Came up with a genius way of plugging holes left by po. Get these left over rubber sections from the local garage after they have fixed a puncture. Simply pull it through and cut off at required length.

Hope for more good weather this week always something to do. :lol: :lol:

J & P
:D :D :D
Well Boris is taking shape and we are able to keep track on Facebook.
VWbusbits are doing there best at a rather stressful time, what with new child and more they are still on the case.
Pickup due this weekend on Saturday!!!!!! Getting excited.
Can't wait to get him back and do some more bits and pieces before our first trip end of August.

J & P
:D :D :D
:( :( :( :( No Boris till next week now as there is a delay with the Rusty Lee bed delivery.
So frustration levels starting to climb, I guess in the long run it will be worth it.

J & P
:D :D :D
It's the empty space that worries me. :lol: :lol:
I might get lost. On second thoughts I am more than likely to. :lol: :lol:

J & P
:D :D :D

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