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      naskeet replied to the thread Best upgrades.
      Some of my best and most useful upgrades to my family's 1973 VW "1600" Type 2 Westfalia Continental, were the earliest ones: 1976 -...
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      naskeet replied to the thread Emergency box.
      Regulations vary from country to country, regarding emergency spares & equipment, but generally speaking one is required or recommended...
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      naskeet replied to the thread CB performance air filters.
      I think science & technology organisation in the USA are gradually making the transition to metric measurement, but it might take a few...
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      naskeet replied to the thread Alternator.
      Gauges draw very little power, of which a few are almost essential for the 1968~79 VW Type 2s; especially those with the VW 13/1600 Type...
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