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  • easy
    easy reacted to Velgreeno's post in the thread Been a while.. with Like Like.
    Hey. Hows everyone ? Haven't been on here for a long time because i have been very unwell and I'm still taking each day as it comes. I'm...
  • easy
    Hello! Its been some time, since I made time to give to my bus some love, almost 3.5 years since the last post...! Yesterday I spent the...
  • easy
    easy reacted to YellowBay69's post in the thread YellowBay69...so far with Like Like.
    Heater pipes fitted with extension as initially they didn’t quite fit. Used stainless pipe and cut to size. Much better fit now.
  • easy
    easy replied to the thread The Dropped Dough Ball.
    Ive got this one, it works like a charm :)...
  • easy
    easy replied to the thread The Dropped Dough Ball.
    Its has everything built into the solar panels before it reaches the battery. :)
  • easy
    easy replied to the thread Bluetooth Battery Monitor.
    Updated my gallery with the results of fitting a battery sense from Victron :)...
  • easy
    easy replied to the thread The Dropped Dough Ball.
    So after much research i fitted a bluetooth battery monitor on my leisure battery, as i wanted to know what was going on with it, whilst...
    • sense.jpg