Recent content by Moseley

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  1. Moseley

    68 front beam

    No probs, thank you.
  2. Moseley

    68 front beam

    Is it just a bare beam, or does it come with leaves / steering parts etc?
  3. Moseley

    Pumping pressure through pedal

    I had a brand new CSP drum with a flat spot, suspect it was dropped at some point before it got to me. It wasn’t apparent other than a slight pulsing through the pedal, but over time a heat spot became visible on the drum. I contacted CSP and they were pretty rude about the whole situation, but...
  4. Moseley

    Clutch cable

    Sometimes you can take the remnants of the snapped cable, begin to unwind the end so that it still fits down the tube, then attach the other end to a cordless drill. Get that on high speed and it acts like a wire brush which might clear an old grease blockage, or a patch of rusty goodness.
  5. Moseley

    Gearshift stop plate

    I’m not sure if they should have a flattened area at all on the lower collar - if they do (like ours!) I’d suggest someone has been in there with a grinder to make it easier to select reverse, or it has seen a lot of wear over the years. I’ve driven ours for years without the need to push the...
  6. Moseley

    Gearshift stop plate

    The ramp part of the stop plate is effectively the part that the bottom collar of the gear stick ‘rides on’ when you shift into reverse. When in second, this collar should be next to the ramp, and the ramp part is what physically stops you from moving the shifter over so far that pulling it back...
  7. Moseley

    Brake master cylinder ….

    It sounds like a passing seal in the master cylinder. The seals are effectively like an umbrella with the brake side being underneath the brolly, and your foot being on top of it. They should 'open up' against the walls of the master cylinder as the pressure of the brake fluid acts on them. When...
  8. Moseley

    Steering box DIY rebuild

    Overdue update on this - been tied up with other projects so this has sat on my workbench awaiting some free time / camping deadline pressure! I'm creating this post as there are a number of useful resources on the subject that I referred to for the purpose of overhauling the steering box...
  9. Moseley

    Camper Jam sters

    We used to tag on with the SSVC who had the area next to the VIP / accessible camping section. This has since just become accessible camping / zone 5 of 'home is where you park it.' We'll be heading back to this area as it offers a bit more space, and we've brought our fire pit every year...
  10. Moseley

    Balancing Wide 5s

    I won’t be using the same place again. When I asked them to not use hammer-on weights, the manager said they have to because they are steel wheels. I asked why and he said it was because they are heavier than alloy wheels. I think my expression said it all at this point because the fitter...
  11. Moseley

    Camper Jam sters

    I think this will be our 8th year… Will pull my finger out and get our bus in the display on Saturday - got lazy over the last few years!!
  12. Moseley

    Balancing Wide 5s

    All good! Garage were a bit funny at first when I said I didn’t want my steel wheel littered with hammer-on weights, so the fitter just got them as close as he could using stick-on weights on the rear of the wheels. He said the adapter made life considerably easier.
  13. Moseley

    Balancing Wide 5s

    Never found anyone either myself, but Buttys Bits do a handy adapter to allow wide 5 wheels to be balanced on a more typical wheel balancing machine. Bought one recently myself, and will be finding out this week how accommodating my local tyre shop will be in swapping this between the wheels!
  14. Moseley

    Fitted CSP Drum's - Loud screeching noise?

    Have they over tightened the front bearings? I had one of these seize some years ago for the same reason. It was over-tightened to the point where it got hot enough to burn the grease / turn it liquid and eventually the bearing gave up.
  15. Moseley

    What am I doing wrong

    I’d also try spraying some penetrating fluid around the splines, and then leave the puller in place overnight. Put as much torque on as you can without it damaging anything (I’ve bent one of those C ‘washers’ before when trying to remove a very stubborn wheel!)