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    • R
      roybird replied to the thread ENGINE CHUGS.
      Hi To be honest this has been going on so long, I have forgotten. I suppose the logical thing would be: Swap the Carbs If no difference...
    • R
      roybird replied to the thread ENGINE CHUGS.
      Trouble is one ends up constantly changing or replacing things, as you quite rightly say one starts to grasp at straws. I have two...
    • R
      roybird replied to the thread ENGINE CHUGS.
      OK I'll check that, thanks for your input; just to be clearer . . . floor the throttle no problem, idles fine, anything in between is...
    • R
      roybird replied to the thread ENGINE CHUGS.
      i bought it from Schofields circa £42.00 I recorded a part number 111 905 205 but unsure if that related to what I bought; there is no...
    • R
      roybird posted the thread ENGINE CHUGS in Technical.
      I cannot resolve this issue, the engine is sweet and all components checked or replaced; the engine ticks over well but unless you floor...
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