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  1. Sparky

    Happy Christmas to everyone from Rusty Lees

    Happy Christmas Lee. Just unwrapped one of your beds as a present from the wife. She says sorry for all the calls and harassment. Sparky (Mr Arran Thomas)
  2. Sparky

    steel wheel advice

    I don't think this works. The adaptors are ok for fitting 15" alloys on, but OurBus68 on here tried it with 14" splitty rims and I think it fowled on the brake calliper. You could send him a shout he's usually lurking on here somewhere. Sparky.
  3. Sparky

    Info needed

    Closest I've seen to a chassis for sale is this one for £999. You'd have to be brave to tackle that! Arran
  4. Sparky

    Door card,Hub caps, and other bits

    Air filter sold to "rupert the bay" as he was the first. Thanks to everybody else who showed an interest. I'll get it in the post ASAP. Sparky
  5. Sparky

    Door card,Hub caps, and other bits

    I guess I could post it but delivery on this kind of thing is usually as much as it's worth! I'll try and find a box for it, do you mind the inlet hose being detached? I usually use collect plus for larger items as I'm at work during the day and the local shop is open to 11pm. Sparky.
  6. Sparky

    Door card,Hub caps, and other bits

    A few bits from my bus here. First off is a set of cushions that have been over covered. The sun had got to the original fabric (The remains of which are still in there). Not great condition but may give you something to sit on for now. £Sold Next up the air filter. Needs a clean, has some...
  7. Sparky

    Soldering iron

    This is what I use on a daily basis: Farnell link but fitted with points for the rework tool. I also have one of their SP200 models CPC link that is little better than a Weller station. A lot of it depends what you want it for. Generally in my bus I use crimp connectors as soldered joints are...
  8. Sparky

    Whats draining my battery?

    Pulling the fuses may not help you find the tracker. If I was fitting one I would connect it to a permanent live and use an inline fuse or the one built into the tracker if it has one. Sparky
  9. Sparky

    Lowering - Now driving crap - help needed

    Hey Ozzie, As you've gone through this, did the drive return to normal once it was completed or was it still a bit sketchy? Sparky
  10. Sparky

    Lowering - Now driving crap - help needed

    Unfortunately you'll need the tracking done again :roll: . I hope the track rods haven't also been hitting the chassis, best check if there are any marks on them near to the chassis. If all is OK it may be possible to get the place doing the tracking to flip them for you? Good luck with...
  11. Sparky

    Lowering - Now driving crap - help needed

    Should have mentioned that pic is from the ThansporterHaus instructions on their website, where it says to flip over the joint to gain extra clearance for the chassis. If they are at the wrong angle the bump steer will be horrid! Each bump will make that wheel steer (bump on the left, bus...
  12. Sparky

    Lowering - Now driving crap - help needed

    Yep good photos, don't envy you lying on the gravel to get them! I think your trackrod arms are on upside down at the spindle end? Looking at: the nut is on the top, yours is underneath I think :cry: (but it could be the camera angle). Sparky.
  13. Sparky

    Leisure batteries

    Umm, no sorry, still only 210Ahr. Sparky
  14. Sparky

    Dubsatthecastle 20th 21st - 22nd - July 2012

    The last panzer brought their dogs last year. I don't recall there being any problem. Sparky.
  15. Sparky

    Throttle Guides

    I've seen them in a UK shop but I can't remember where :? I'm sure it was a link off here to something different, but what? Not much help but I'm sure someone sensible will be along soon. Sparky