betsy70 said:
where did you buy those trojans from at that price the link shows them at 132 quid a piece , also are they 210 ah each battery giving you 420ah in total

, that indeed is massive that ll do me fine
I got them from ebay, here are some more x4 ! :shock:" onclick=";return false;
They do come up often, keep your eyes peeled. There may be other makes if you do a bit of research, think others were mentioned on my links on my gallery thread, think some other folk have used x4, but 25aH IIRC, dry cell not flooded and had them laid down in the battery box in the T25, similar theory to the trojans, linked to create 12V, but with much better deep cycling.
About the same price and total aH if you buy x2 Elecsols, but the Trojans will have double the life at least - 10,000 cycles, normal leisure batteries are 5k max
If you can get a good deal on some 2nd hand ones, you'll be quids in, and you can download the Trojan spec sheets with battery voltages and percentage charge, eg 6.3V = 90 percent charged, and gravity specs it you are checking the acid directly. With the battery voltages you can find out a little more about the state of charge (SOC)
Take a look here on the Tech Support Site:" onclick=";return false;
Happy hunting!