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Early Bay Forum

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  1. S

    Lets put some faces with the Bays!

    Hey all. Here's myself,(Simon) and my beloved single cab!! :D
  2. S

    Your Early Bay Picture of the Day .....

    My singlecab. :D
  3. S

    sold, please close or delete

    Its truly lovely my friend... :D
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    Rusty '71 panelvan.

    All the best with it mate. Get it Neptune Blue...would look great sat next to my single cab. :D
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    Camperjam - Early Bay Line Up

    I'd like to be in the line up. Can I slot me single cab in with you guys.? :D
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    DELUXE CLOCKS AND TACHOMETERS - 1st batch now on sale

    Hey down for one,defo,as you know.Will drop in and see you next week. :D
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    Hey guys (and Gals :D ).Got a question.. Got told in conversation at bus stopover at the weekend,that for every 10 panel vans made,they made 1 single this true do we know?? :)
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    Removing wheel with adjustable spring plates?

    Hi all. Need some help please!! I bought some spring plates from slamwerks,who also fitted them.I recently wanted new whitewalls on the rear tyres(which are light truck tyres,185/80s on stock 14s).On jacking up my single cab,the rear wheels dont hinge down far enough to remove them,even with...
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    NO NO NO......I Think I've done it again...........

    Labour of love my friend!!! ;)
  10. S

    Canvas for Single Cab

    Thanks for the help guys...will have a look. :D