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Early Bay Forum

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  1. O

    1972 Single Cab - The Truck!

    A few pictures! Broken! Drivers seat! Where the engine should be! Under the loadbed - How clean and solid!!!!!!!! We are waiting for the New B's and P's to arrive and these should be here on Wednesday - then its build the engine back up...... She has today (while the engine is...
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    1972 Single Cab - The Truck!

    Engine is out and top end stripped....... :roll: Looks like we are gonna be neded new B's and P's :roll: They all show signs of serious wear and tear - abuse and number 3 is knackered! :shock: Reckon while its out it gets stripped and re-built! ;) Lowering next :) MOT time this...
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    Huey - RHD Single Cab

    how does that bench seat fasten in? (Sorry off topic slightly)
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    How Low should I go?

    Bit of help peeps I have just bought a 1972 pickup and it needs lowering....... front is sorted with an adjustable beam - rear needs to sorted via splines the question is How many should I go. I had a splittie before that was 2 splines and no reduction boxes and that seamed OK - as in it was...
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    1972 Single Cab - The Truck!

    Just got mi hands on this bute LHD 1972 single cab Hard AS Its as solid as you could wish for! Wearing its dents and scraps like a true truck everyone telling a tale from a battle or two I have bought this as a none runner although it is running but not very well! It needs dropping and...
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    so what price can I pick up

    Got one Its a none starter at the moment and the backend needs dropping.............. gtreat project Happy as!
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    Huey - RHD Single Cab

    yep nice seats! (and pick up!)
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    so what price can I pick up

    doubt I would get it in mi garage - even if it was slammed LOL Looks a decent price though ;)
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    so what price can I pick up

    yea been looking at this one - looks tidy and dare I say it....... honest! Ummm gonna have to check the funds keep em coming though! ;)
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    so what price can I pick up

    Oh yes - thats it gotta find miself one of these bad boys!
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    so what price can I pick up

    So I am thinking I like the looks of a early bay single cab 8) ....... I see they are a little thin on the ground but what kinda price could I expect to pay for one "on the road" running driving and stopping ok...... I would do the "extra bits" like wheels lowering and all that fun stuff...
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    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    Hi all Just thought I would say HI! My name is Craig and go by the forum name of "outoftheblueintothenight" on most forums I use but "outoftheblueintothe" on this one as my forum name is tooooooo long! Anyway - I recently (November last Year) Sold my Splittie and have been air cooled '...