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Early Bay Forum

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  1. S

    Oil bath thermostat

    Where did you get the oil bath filter? i think mine has been modified by person unknown, for reasons unknown. I'd like to get it back to original (see topic "Oil Bath Filter - Permanently Welded Set to Hot Air?")
  2. S

    Oil Bath Filter - Permanently Welded Set to Hot Air?

    I cleaned out the oil bath air filter on my recently acquired 1971 bay - for the first time - and I discovered that it appears to have a metal plate inserted and crudely welded to shut off the cold air intake. Apologies for the poor quality picture. There is no thermostatic control on the...
  3. S

    Wanted: 14" Steel Wheel

    Mine are now away at the painters - I'll have a look when I get them back. Curiosity piqued, I looked at the 1970 owners handbook (US edition) and it's illustrations are of split type wheels, the 1971 edition (US) has Bay type but round hole wheels. I haven't got any later handbooks to see...
  4. S

    Wanted: 14" Steel Wheel

    I managed to source two with reasonable tyres, 15 miles from me! Thanks though.
  5. S

    Wanted: 14" Steel Wheel

    That looks like the two I picked up a couple of days ago - the seller said they were off a T25. All the existing wheels on my '71 van have a wavy hole. I can't see why it would have had all four wheels changed (it's definitely not had alloys on it in the last 20 years and I find it hard to...
  6. S

    Wanted: 14" Steel Wheel

    I managed to source two with reasonable tyres, 15 miles from me! Thanks though.
  7. S

    Wanted: 14" Steel Wheel

    Replying to my own post - I've just noticed the spare is a 15"!!!!
  8. S

    Wanted: 14" Steel Wheel

    I have discovered the spare wheel on my 1971 camper isn't the same as the others on the bus and doesn't fit - this explains why the PO had it on the nose the wrong way round. I assume the same 14" steel wheel fits all bay window buses? Mine has discs on the front. This is the current road...
  9. S

    Indicator lights on speedo face 1970 Bay Window

    Looks like the wiring diagram I found on this thread does the job. Although, it's something that can wait until I need to get the instrument panel off. No need looking for trouble...
  10. S

    Track Rods, ends and tracking.

    Absolute bollocks. Having said that, what is important is having the steering *box* at the absolute mid point before you start anywhere else. The steering wheel can be removed and put back on straight if necessary. If you have wayward steering and the van is easily blown off course in wind...
  11. S

    Indicator lights on speedo face 1970 Bay Window

    Very helpful diagram, and sort of answers a question I have about our newly acquired 1971 van. When new did both indicator repeater lights in the dash flash? Irrespective of the direction indicating? Which is what my van does now. It looks like in the revised wiring diagram they are now...
  12. S

    Wiring loom advice

    I see you've included it but I get my wiring stuff from Vehicle Wiring Products - never had to go anywhere else. I always buy multipacks and more wire than I need, just in case! You can get most stuff you'll need - and loads of other stuff that you...
  13. S

    Indicator Cancelling help needed on a 72 Crossover

    I've just done it on my recently acquired 1971 van - I simply loosened the two screws holding the indicator arm to the column and slid the switch assembly upwards to close the gap. The indicators still don't self cancel (the plastic ears on the switch don't catch the ring, I've not really...