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  1. W

    Progress Pics - Dormobile X-Over

    Nice work - Handy to have access to sand blasting. Woz
  2. W

    Inlet Manifold air leak

    Inlet manifold is leaking as it joins the head. i have the metal type of gaskets. Anyone had trouble, are there other gaskets available. Really appreciate any tips or tricks its driving me bonkers. Woz
  3. W

    Devon roof vinyl

    hi Mate Same as KevH I used some vinyl from Had to stick it on with contact adhesive. Give them a call as they really know their stuff. If your doing the inside they also sell headlining. Woz
  4. W

    Progress Pics - Dormobile X-Over

    Nice progress!
  5. W

    Brighton Breeze Early bay line up

    8) pictures. really good day! Woz
  6. W

    After 23 years as a heap, old Ratty has reached a milestone

    Good work! I will go and have a look at your thread on vzi Woz
  7. W

    Brighton Breeze Earlybay Line Up 2015.

    Bazzaworld wrote: Can we go on the reserve list : Bazzaworld Barry Haynes DTF 452J 591 No REAL NAME........................REG NUMBER.......RUN NUMBER........FRIDAY CAMP 1. Graham Lyall.....................MFX 528G....................298..........................YES 2. Mike...
  8. W

    Brighton Breeze Earlybay Line Up 2015.

    Hi Graham Unfortunately I left it until this morning to get my ticket sorted, but online sales have now finished. I have sent ssvc a message but it seems the only way of me getting a ticket now is to buy one on the way in which would be fine but there is no guarantee that there will be spare...
  9. W

    Progress Pics - Dormobile X-Over

    Wow making some great progress :D Like your new daily 8) Woz
  10. W

    MyVanWay California Westfalia tintop....

    Saw your bus at Action - Looking 8) Spent most of Saturday on the bank, some quick cars but the Golfs :shock: Might of been a small Earlybay line up but looked good. Woz
  11. W

    1972 T2 Bay project

    Nice work - Bet your glad to get the top done :D Woz
  12. W

    1972 T2 Bay project

    Certainly a Devon roof. I have just refurbed mine but not uploaded any pics yet (must get around to it) have a good search as a few people have put some good threads on the roof refurb. my advice would be to spend some time looking at pics of how it all works and then work out how far you want...
  13. W

    Brighton Breeze Earlybay Line Up 2015.

    Yes please i'm up for that 1. Graham Lyall 2. Clem 3. Wally 4. Sydney1 5. Roland Lebrun 6. Christophe (Belgium) 7. Andrew (Mister) 8. Woz
  14. W

    Just seen this on Facebook, hope it's no one on here

    Oh no that's awful - All the best to everyone involved Woz
  15. W

    Warbys 1969 VW early bay!!

    I take it your ordering the parts today then :lol: Looking good - glad your hols went well Woz
  16. W

    Progress Pics - Dormobile X-Over

    Nice work. Woz
  17. W


    Great - thanks for your help! Woz
  18. W


    My sidelights stay on when you switch the headlights on. Is that right? If not any ideas? Woz
  19. W

    I've only gone and done it

    Great bit of work and nice bit of cost saving thrown in. Woz