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  1. S

    Garage clear out pre house move

    posted steve should be with u in 1-2 days
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    Wanted : Rear light bulb holder / reflector

    as per subject, looking for bulb holder after breaking the tab off mine. Ideally US type thanks thanks
  3. S

    1600 to 1641?

    snap 28-32 (right foot dependant) on a run fully loaded with crap on the roof rack and bikes on the back. 2027cc
  4. S

    Garage clear out pre house move

    All skipped. Save the mat awaiting reply from Steve. Thanks Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
  5. S

    gagets westy towbar install help

    All sorted. Thanks to deano and his awesome customer services. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
  6. S

    Garage clear out pre house move

    yeah sure. pick up basingstoke or bourmeouth or can post ?
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    Garage clear out pre house move

    Steering box sold - eBay £21. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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    gagets westy towbar install help

    hi all installing gadgets westy towbar. Gadget or If anyone has done theirs already please share your knowledge. none of the bolt holes line up. i thought maybe they needed enlarging a bit due to tolerances over the years so i opened up a few holes to 13mm still no where close if i remove any...
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    Garage clear out pre house move

    All bits on eBay. Skip arrives Tues. No sensible offer refused Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
  10. S

    Garage clear out pre house move

    Walk thru mat is split but cannot see when its flat £10 Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
  11. S

    Ratio Rockers and uncut pushrods

    e100 with ratio rockers and HD springs is quiet alot of extra strain on the valvetrain. get your cut to lengths done on a lathe and pushed in sq. mantons are ace make sure u get the angles too good luck
  12. S

    Garage clear out pre house move

    Replied. Thanks Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
  13. S

    Ratio Rockers and uncut pushrods

    No think that it's too much for the rods. HD Ali or steel rods also reset your valve train first. Use a cut up stock rod to make an adjustable one. Then get some cut to length Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
  14. S

    Ratio Rockers and uncut pushrods

    Stock valve springs? Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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    Ratio Rockers and uncut pushrods

    whats the spec of the engine, cam rocker ratio spring types etc
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    Blast from the past - garage clearout

    holy fsck! i just seen that on a laptop. Awesome tapatalk. looks ok on phone .. so much for a resize tag... well im sold, if that is not good reason to by a 4k telly just to see that in full.. for the 99.9% of people that dont own a super tron.. its fixed .
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    Blast from the past - garage clearout

    Yes thats a stack of washers with some kind of sealant sticking then togerher Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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    Garage clear out pre house move

    I'll add more as I get deeper into the garage.. All plus post. Pair of spring plates. Been notched but bearing surfaces very good. £30 Next empi oil breather £7 Vdo oil temp gauge £18 Steering box. Early bay LHD. Bought from volks world 2 years ago was told it was good never fitted it...
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    Blast from the past - garage clearout

    Just clearing out garage as we are moving soon. Found lots of stuff I though was lost. Result some stuff to take others to eBay. Others are fit for the bin. Below is my souvenir from my airspeed engine. It's the oil take off for full flow. Found when I pulled engine apart. Fit for the bin but a...
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    Correct Oil Pressure

    use the force .. or the search box luke..