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  1. D

    are you walkthrough or...

    Walkthrough for me but I have found the 1/3 and 2/3 seats and the rear part of the m501 kit, Been searching for the two bars that go under the seat base for ages with no luck yet :evil:
  2. D

    Bits from the US?

    I turn 40 this year :roll: My wife has booked flights for the classic in june as my birthday present :D Will be buying my van some treats!
  3. D

    Bits from the US?

    Berg shifter would fit in a suitcase nicely.
  4. D

    What did you do with your early bay today

    Bare metaling till I ran out of strip discs.
  5. D

    Learn to weld? Or pay someone to do it!

    didn't want to start a new thread so thought it would be relevant to ad it to this one. I am thinking about learning to weld would this be a good first welder...
  6. D

    Dash vent trims--repro front badge--bumper steps

    No problem with post will find out cost and get back to you cheers.
  7. D

    Dash vent trims--repro front badge--bumper steps

    No its plastic wish it was metal I would keep it!
  8. D

    Dash vent trims--repro front badge--bumper steps

    Rusty front bumper steps £10 plus post Repro front badge £5 plus post Set of dash top vents need a paint but straight and solid £15 plus post
  9. D

    Repair cuts rear corner.

    Sorry Nick the engine lid is now on my van. I cant remember what I paid for it mate it was quite a while ago. There is one on Ebay at the moment without the engine lid or hatch I think its from FBI.
  10. D

    Repair cuts rear corner.

    Thanks Sparky I thought small local repairs were the way to go but that was just my gut feeling and not based on any understanding. I don't know who will be doing the welding I keep putting off finding someone due to all the horror stories you hear I know good people are out there and only want...
  11. D

    Repair cuts rear corner.

    I have this rear clip to repair my bus, I wont be doing any welding myself but don't want to make life hard for who ever does do it! The clip was a bit of an impulse buy and I am not sure if it was money well spent as all I need is the bottom of each corner and on the belt line I have some rust...
  12. D

    Full chassis and Body Restore - Near Liverpool??

    I have collected some of the panels needed and tried to follow this advice. Autocraft supplied both rear quarter panels and battery tray, I dont know anyone that's used these but they seem to have a good reputation with the split owners. And this rear clip I think I went overboard getting this...
  13. D

    Full chassis and Body Restore - Near Liverpool??

    This quote scares me! I am no expert with body work and rely on the professionals to do a good job. money is as always tight and I make loads of sacrifices to fund this hobby. I am not after a show worthy finish but want any repairs to be to a high standard. I was gutted with the last welding I...
  14. D

    m501 lower support bars wanted

    One more bump before I find someone to make me some :D
  15. D

    Corner roof rack ladders....

    Thanks for clearing that up it is a great design. I would like to see a clear pic of it in the down position.
  16. D

    Corner roof rack ladders....

    Not a corner ladder but looks like a folding ladder that clamps to the gutter for storage when not in use, Never seen one like it before. I think someone with skills could design something really nice using the same principle."...
  17. D

    lefty or righty?

    Another RHD here.
  18. D

    Should I lower my Van or get a roof ladder?????????? ;-)

    Don't conform :lol: Get the ladder :!:
  19. D

    What did you do with your early bay today

    Stripped the bumpers back to bare metal, Rear is good so is the front middle but the ends are rotten :evil:
  20. D

    1968 Rhd Velvet Green Panelvan mook interior fit

    Very welcome mate, Really looking forward to seeing yours painted its going to look great! Are you signwriting it with your businesses name?