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  1. V

    Genuine vw ignition switch - where to buy?

    I'm after a genuine vw ignition switch, i've looked on heritage but there out of stock and the other places i've looked at only seem to do the repro ones, does anybody have any other suggestions of where i might get one from? thanks alot! :D
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    Hydro'd '70 Adventurewagen 'Hobo'

    The nicest bus i've seen in ages! Top work! 8)
  3. V

    Sleeping bags?

    Thanks for all the replys, some really handy info, i'm gonna have a good look through aload of them tonight and hopefully get a couple ordered. Thanks again! :D
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    Sleeping bags?

    cheers for the info! I'm having a look at that website now.
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    Sleeping bags?

    cheers for the reply i'll google them now! Anyone one else got any suggestions? :mrgreen:
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    Sleeping bags?

    I want to buy a couple of single sleeping bags before we go off to the new forest in a few weeks time, can anyone help me with understanding the thickness / warmth ratings? does it just work that the higher the number before the gsm it is the warmer it is? also does anyone recommend any...
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    New carb ???

    keep an eye out on ebay or swapmeets etc.. then do a rebuild on a solex if you can get one its what i did, i managed to get a genuine made in germany solex for £60 off one of the forums gave it a rebuild and i've never looked back, prior to that i'd been through atleast 3 bocarbs trying to get a...
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    1968 Rhd Velvet Green Panelvan mook interior fit

    love this! my favourite colour for an earlybay 8)
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    rear thermo blind wanted

    Just thought i'd let you know what i did, bought some reflective bubble wrap type material from b&q and made my own attached them to the windows with little squares of sticky back velcro, much cheaper than thermo mats and can be made to any shape or size! Might be an idea if you can't find a...
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    What did you do with your early bay today

    Went for a breakfast in woodbridge and then on to rendlesham forest for a long walk and lunch in the bus! Perfect weekend :D
  11. V

    High Tops ?

    i think the style your talking about is an adventurewagen, a guy called baz on here has one with the interior in it still i think, i'd link to his readers ride thread but i dont know how too! haha but have a quick search and you'll find it, might be worth asking him a few questions about it, :)
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    Your Early Bay Picture of the Day .....

    that looks the nuts! 8)
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    Roxy the '71 Panel - So That's What's Wrong With the Engine

    Looks loads better! 8)
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    stock oil bath filter question.

    lovely thankyou!
  15. V

    stock oil bath filter question.

    hi, Can anyone tell me the diameter of hose you need to connect from a standard oil filler neck to a standard oil bath air filter? thanks in advance!
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    '70 LHD ex Westy US Bay now running Hydraulics

    love that woodburner! 8)
  17. V

    It does cheer you up when your bus starts in the New Year ..

    i put the battery back on mine at the weekend as it was nice and bright and took a cruise out and about, even had a much needed cup of tea by the seaside! i love my bus!
  18. V

    who does the best van cover?

    i bought the £80.00 when that a few people have mentioned, its no where near as generous as it looks in the pictures, i have a dormobile roof and a front rack on my van it comfortably covers these and tucks under the front and rear bumpers but its not massively baggy like it looks in the...
  19. V

    Changing front tyre size?

    cheers for the replys, Thanks alex i'll have a look about for a price on that size tyre and see how i get on, the heads up on the speedo sounds good any idea of the approximate price?