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  1. P

    Where to route cables

    I'm about to undertake the same task, next weekend. I was going to go through the engine bulkhead (there is already a hole/grommet there on the l;lefthand side of the bus) ... I haven't exactly decided where I will bring them up through the floor but probably will run two wires one to a fuse...
  2. P

    Any of you cyclists on endomondo?

    The few miles :roll: I do are recorded on Strava
  3. P

    72 Sierra yellow changeover

    Out of interest how much did that cost you?
  4. P

    looking for someone to finish my restro.

    And working on the old adage that if I p1ss this mug punter off another will be along to take his place very shortly. So customer service f888ing forget it.
  5. P

    looking for someone to finish my restro.

    I'm always sorry to hear about this , I've been let down by a number of VW p1ss taking experts, all I can say is you're not alone and best of luck.
  6. P

    Which registration plates?

    Used Framptons as well, been on the bus for 4 years now, very happy
  7. P

    Black and Silver registration plates recommendations?

    I used these guys, plates still going strong after nearly four years" onclick=";return false;
  8. P

    Leisure Battery help!

    Am assuming you have a big enough cable fitted between the fridge and battery ? But thought I would mention it any how. :roll:
  9. P

    Multimeter help please

    I bought a cheap one off ebay less than £10 from memory for a guide on how to use it try this from one of the guys on the Late Bay" onclick=";return false;
  10. P

    Specialized Hotrock(s) Forsale

    Might be interested. What ages do they suit? and what you after for them?
  11. P

    Beach buggin

    Not surprised given the exposed sea front location and weather "Bertha' forecast … hadn't been able to make it this year, hopefully will be run again next.
  12. P

    Legal advice

    Draw some comfort from knowing you're not the first and unlikely to be the last person to find themselves in such a situation. Someone else beat me to the quoting of the relevant acts I assume it was done by someone appertaining to operate a business? Hopefully you have something in writing...
  13. P

    Steering box query

    I do believe, but have no personal experience that one company was refurbishing steering boxes in this way, filling them with grease that is. Also if you have got pre 72 bus (or thereabouts) you will have an early steering box and they can't have fitted a new one as they aren't available...
  14. P

    Steering box query

    I must have posted twice or something so deleted this one!
  15. P

    Adverts in Camper Mags

    Wouldn't disagree with most that has been said, not interested in what has been done to a no expense spared bus … mind I was amazed at the article in this months about £50k bay window buses … madness if i had that sort of money and wanted a camper van I'm afraid I would have gone and bought a T5...
  16. P

    why did you buy your bus ?

    Haven't got a clue … well I have 4 years ago the wife told me too! So we could take the baby camping. Having bought it I learnt that many 40 year old bits were knackered and needed replacing, that was fine up until 2 years ago when I had enough cash to pay others to work on it, redundancy in...
  17. P

    WANTED Oil Filter Bracket Type 4 Engine

    Hi I'm after an oil filter bracket for a type 4 engine 1700 CB. Anyone got one they want to sell me? Thanks Barry
  18. P

    Reezvaan ***HAS RETURNED!!!****

    Hi Graham, thanks for the offer, most appreciated :D and I'm sure there are some good guys out there just that proportionally seems to be a bigger number of less professional let's call them @rseholes, who over promise and under deliver :x . Where I am at is the block is all together and...
  19. P

    Reezvaan ***HAS RETURNED!!!****

    I feel your pain, I'm now giving up using the expert vw garage/mechanic … I'm so f*cked off with my current situation where in March a so called vw expert has come along taken my engine out stripped it of the ancillaries and left the bits and bobs unlabelled in two boxes (what all the nuts and...
  20. P

    Newbie question: Clutch - type 4 1700cc

    Have you got the engine out, if so you will need to measure up the clutch diameter to make sure you get the correct replacement.