Adverts in Camper Mags

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2012
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Leigh on Sea Essex
In the June issue of VolksWorld Camper and Bus in the Readers Mail section an issue that has been getting on my nerves was raised....
That is the sheer volume of advertisments in this very magazine.
I decided to compare it to the other Bus magazine Camper and Commercial.

So Volksworld Camper and Bus costs £4.20 and has 46 pages of adverts including Vans for sale section in a 100 page magazine !! :evil:

Camper and Commercial costs £3.95 and has 26 pages of adverts including Vans for sale section in a 100 page magazine.. :D

I feel that one of these magazines sees the Volkswagen scene as a cash cow and is no longer offering value for money, I understand that they need to make a profit but there comes a point where profit turns to sheer greed.
46 pages of adverts in a 100 page magazine....come on.... and despite the profit from the adverts it costs 25pence more !!
I have every copy of VolksWorld Camper and Bus from issue number 2 and it wasn't like this at the start, but for me enough is no longer buying.
What does everyone else think ?
don't buy any of them anymore full of ads and investment brokers sorry bus owners :lol:
Just got my hayburner subscription!

Nothing against camper and bus, but I can pick up a copy and despite paying a fair wack for it, I'm done with it in less than 20 mins, and that's reading all the adverts for the 100th time!

Probably will still buy the occasional copy though

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used to buy camper and bus but as you say adverts and more adverts. Dont buy any mags now. Anything i need to know is on this site. Shame really as i loved the threads about trips taken especially when they were about long haul. I also find the write ups a bit naff as well. Goin to be contreversial here and i dont mean to paint all with the same brush but it seemed we were looking at pristin campers and when it came to the profile of the owner he or she read like this. " Steve has loved campers all his life and as a garage owner - hedge fund manager - etc etc decided to do a ground up resto of this lush campervan complete with bar and jacussi from

I want to read about joe blogs who got his camper for the price of a mortgage then bought a grinder costing £20.00 quid from Lidle and a Mig Welder from Screw fix for 70 and came up with this camper which although not perfect reflects his personality and his life style because he is Joe Bloggs from down the road who only earns minimum wage and is living his dream. Just come back from the pub by the way, LOCK IN so apologies if i upset the world.
I subscribed to the volksworld car mag at the show, I go for the hoodie. This year I looked at the camper mag and there seems more content in the car mag.
Not the first time this has been raised and no doubt the last, I have to say when this months Camper & Bus turned up I was amazed how thin it was, 96 actual pages and then funnily enough Camper & Commercial is exactly the same size. I stopped supporting both of these mags as an advertiser years ago and the only one I now advertise in is Hayburner where I can get a half page ad for the price I was paying for an eight page advert in the other 2 and I get a personal service from Ned & Vic who are both real enthusiasts, yes they carry adverts but thats what pays for the printing of the mag and its only the postage you pay for:)
There is always another side to the coin, and in this case it is the thrill that many folks on this forum have got from having their bus featured in these mags. :D

Don't get me wrong, I am not sticking up for the mags. I have argued on here about some the crap content (eg the T5 off-the-shelf jobbie that cost £30k and has had a new set of wheels or the number of times it turns out that the owner just happens to run a business related to the bus, eg hire, resto, interiors, etc. And the respective eds have both got a bit narked about that criticism. :cry:

I am guessing that these mags are aimed at newbies or dreamers and not hardened enthusiasts. For that market, they probably do a decent enough job. :D
Thinking of ending my subscription to VW C&B - its become quite boring, predictable and a bit "tabloid" in its approach to it's readers. Plus - nowhere near enough about the actual vehicles. The scene is so big and diverse there are loads of things they could cover. Hayburner great value for money. Love the photography in HB'r. In fact - decided I AM cancelling. :evil:
I get narked off with the poor photos in the mags, why use HDR when it makes the picture painful on the eyes, plus they get the colour balance and brightness incorrect in the printing making them look washed out.
Love the Hayburner shoots though, some really good photos there done with imagination. Gets my thumb up. A mag by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, being pretty much free I don't mind the ads either.

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KevH said:
There is always another side to the coin, and in this case it is the thrill that many folks on this forum have got from having their bus featured in these mags. :D

Don't get me wrong, I am not sticking up for the mags. I have argued on here about some the crap content (eg the T5 off-the-shelf jobbie that cost £30k and has had a new set of wheels or the number of times it turns out that the owner just happens to run a business related to the bus, eg hire, resto, interiors, etc. And the respective eds have both got a bit narked about that criticism. :cry:

I am guessing that these mags are aimed at newbies or dreamers and not hardened enthusiasts. For that market, they probably do a decent enough job. :D

I know the 2-3 features you are on about here, traders busses being posted saying this ones a keeper then advertised for sale on the back page. Or the time capsulated x-over westy that's up for sale. And the T5 with a picture of its badge with a sticker under it off the conversion company's name.

I have mentioned all of this to camper and bus and they say they are improving the mag.

To be fair all the gripe and stuff there the only mags that will feature standard busses and cars.

And all them that want standard busses in seen in mags have you ever approached them with your bus?
Wouldn't disagree with most that has been said, not interested in what has been done to a no expense spared bus … mind I was amazed at the article in this months about £50k bay window buses … madness if i had that sort of money and wanted a camper van I'm afraid I would have gone and bought a T5 California :lol:

I tend to just pull the "how to" sections out and store them in a big binder, so I can refer to them as and when my bus falls apart in front of my eyes.

Anyway I'm off to the drive to sort of something else on my bus, can't afford for any other b*****d to do it ;)
Hear Hear, dropped them for the same reason some time back, though I do still ponce a mates old issues for toilet reading....
It's a shame really because I enjoy Camper and Bus on the whole. I love the road trip sections, I wish they'd make that bigger. I love it when earlybay members are featured and standard busses that have a history.
Last month's episode I took to Spain to read on the plane and was a tad irritated by the splitty that had been done up only by the end of the feature to be sold. Seems like a massive advert.

But I suppose they've got to make money...

ps, I'm subscribed to Hayburner.
Used to buy them religiously and really looked forward to reading them but found myself skipping past the T4 and T5 stuff, looking at the same busses that appeared in one of the other mags and getting fed up trying to read tiny white text on a yellow background. Don't bother now.
Like many others I also stopped reading them on a regular basis a while back. But I have been lucky enough to have two of my buses featured and there is a bit of a buzz - and yes I still have one of them and use it for exactly what it was built for :lol:

These days its Hayburner for as close to a 'real people' magazine that you could hope for and Airmighty for worldwide differences, VW's you don't see featured in the UK and great photography
Anything to do with Volksworld is a load of ****!
Was good in the days when cars and buses had to be decent to get featured, now it's all the same stuff and if your 'in' with the people there you get you car in the mag, too much arse kissing!!!
Bring back Keith Seume! At least he knew what he was on about!

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I've been reading Volksworld off & on since issue 1 (27 yrs ago :shock: ) and was totally chuffed when by bug was featured in readers rides about 5 years ago, but I haven't bought it for about 2years now, got the first 20 or so issues of VW C&C but no longer buy it both mags are a bit same old !
As others have already said too many features are like extended adverts for money no object vehicles. Again as others have said really enjoy Hayburner also big thumbs up for AirMonkeys.

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