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  1. P

    So should I be annoyed?

    I'd be pretty sorry very annoyed :evil: as well ... learnt from harsh experience VW Specialists as nice as they seem appear to take on too much work and its not uncommon to hear of people being let down. Think they work on the basis there's another mug punter round every corner so if this...
  2. P

    1971 2017cc highroof camper

    Getting rid of those hand painted flowers has given your bus a whole new lease of life ... looks fab :D
  3. P

    Camping with a Toddler....

    Depends on where and when you are going, don't underestimate how cold it can get in some UK locations even during the summer, we went to the Lakes in June when our boy was 7 months old and it was definitely a bit chilly. The most important thing is keeping them warm as at that age they still...
  4. P

    1st Resto: Chassis Problems!

    I've never done a resto so cant help, built a few ships out of steel though! One thing that would seem pretty important is top make sure you take plenty of measurements before you cut anything out so you have a datum to work from when putting good metal back. I've also seen pics where steel...
  5. P


    They were advertising at £595 each :roll: two kitchens that'll be £1,190 sir ... at that price they must be right rubbish. :lol:
  6. P


    whs :oops: :oops:
  7. P

    Nose up, arse down...

    Is this easy to do?
  8. P

    What did you do with your early bay today

    Battery is flat so have just been out and put in on charge ... then need to get some motivation to service it and get it MOT'd so can start using it 8)
  9. P

    anyone doing good discounts at the mo?

    I know nothing about the distribution business but if your gross margin is averaging 20% then to make much on the bottom line you must need to watch the costs of the business and generate significant levels of turnover. :?: :?: As for haggling people I find people in the UK pretty reticent...
  10. P

    Nose up, arse down...

    We're the same, sagged at the rear ... thinking of getting it lowered at the front by an inch ... as regards the torsion bars, if mine were removed at the time the ball joints were done then might this have done this. I ask as I can remember the guy saying something about them being tack...
  11. P

    Waterproof outdoor winter bus cover

    I have a hamilton one still in the box, could be persuaded to sell if you are interested. since buying moved house and have a garage which the bus will be going very soon.
  12. P

    Wanted men mountain bike

    WHS ^^^ Boredman at Halfords usually get good write ups try for more info
  13. P

    Want to show off your van in Camper&Bus magazine?

    I'm a company director .... but then the company is only me and my sales are poor and I cant afford anyone to work on my bus ... that's the truth man LOL. Looks like I best get out in the drive and sort me bus out so I can get it in the mag :) :) :) :) :)
  14. P

    Early Bay LHD Throttle kits ....

    Sorry forgot to say its a US import LHD :oops:
  15. P

    Early Bay LHD Throttle kits ....

    Hi I have always thought the pedal action was poor and this might be the remedy (fingers crossed :lol: ) I was looking on the website and you list Euro and UK variants ... excuse my ignorance but which would I need for my T2 built late 71 but registered 72? Cheers.
  16. P

    Struggling to find 3mm ply!!

    Just thought this might be worth mentioning as tried to do this a couple of years ago, went and bought some sheets of 8x4 which was fine size wise however, I tried to the one above the cab (drivers/passengers seats) it was 4mm ply the problem I had was the grain was the wrong way round and as...
  17. P

    Wanted: Good pair of cab doors

    I have a left hand side door from my 1972 crossover that is taking up space in the shed. IT was sierra yelow until the guy in the states painted the outside the bright yellow our bus is now. Basically very sound although the front bottom corner had been bashed and filled (not that I noticed...
  18. P

    Front Indicator Seals - Best Quality From??

    Hi I cahnged my front indicator seals a couple of years ago, and one of the indicators now collects a load of water, can see that it is coming from anywhere inside :roll: so must be the seal leaking? Can anyone recommend where to get the best seals from? :?: Thanks Baz.
  19. P

    How would you deal with this?

    I've used the Bilthammer rust converter probably a tad more expensive than others but then was designed for the marine environment ... did parts of my floor three years ago and nothing come through since. At least not last time I checked.
  20. P

    'The last group buy of 'Buddyboxes'......

    Out of interest how do these secure .... I like the look of them and considering adding my name to the list ... what colour would be best for me .... I have a 72 cross over with the darker laminate