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Early Bay Forum

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  1. N

    Baby seat in early bay

    Thanks that is a great help. :D
  2. N

    Baby seat in early bay

    Thanks for that, that's really useful information. I shall check out the seatbelt thread. :D
  3. N

    Baby seat in early bay

    Hi, Hope this is the right place? Well must start by saying that we have neither a baby or a bus yet. :lol: Just hoping to have both soon. :lol: :oops: :? Plus we have nieces that we'd like to be able to take away. So I was just wondering does anyone know how you would fit a baby seat into...
  4. N

    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    Ooops double post. :oops:
  5. N

    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    Hello Newbie here. :D No bus yet, :oops: but hoping to get one by the end of the year. I am a chronic over researcher, so I am here to soak up lots of info from you bunch and hopefully make a wise choice when it comes to buying. Any help/info/tips will be great because I really am a novice...