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  1. T

    Reproduction original style steering wheel

    Hi Don't even go there ! I made the mistake of buying one at a good price at Brighton Breeze, Quite simply would not sit on the spline properly. Add to that in comparison to the original it was of lighter weight with a different profile to the underside of the two spokes.........not such a...
  2. T

    Interior lighting .............. Choices ?

    Hi After fitting mains hook-up I am left with a spare fuseway,I will be using this to supply the interior lights so in your opinion what's best to go for ? Some small domestic lamps, some 12v lamps( using some kind of transformer ) or some sort of LED set-up; ideas on this much...
  3. T

    Engine starting probs ?

    Hi Just a quick update for those that may be interested,checked out the live feed to the choke unit and all appears OK. Then decided to put the choke unit on minimum setting,bearing in mind the previous one was set to max................ Straight away a considerable difference,started well...
  4. T

    Engine starting probs ?

    Hi Thanks for getting back to me,much appreciated ! The live feed is a piggy back from the cut off valve terminal,I'll double check in the morning also I was thinking of changing the idle vacuum diaphragm as I've got one in an unused carburettor service kit; what's your thoughts on this ? ( is...
  5. T

    Engine starting probs ?

    Hi, Thanks for the suggestion, managed to swap the choke unit and tried a couple of different settings,the problem is still there and I have also removed cleaned and reset the plugs ? I just don't have that initial higher engine speed whilst the choke is on,and it simply runs very rough...
  6. T

    Engine starting probs ?

    Thanks for the heads up on that,just in from work but a managed to have a quick look. The actual wire to the choke terminal is ok but the terminal seems to move about a lot ? Does this point to something inside being broken ? If so is it a simple swap for another unit ? Cheers :?
  7. T

    Engine starting probs ?

    Hi just back from a few days around the New forest and South coast, and clocked up about 400 miles. Since returning the Bus seems to stuggle on cold starting, sounding like it's missing and acting as if it is getting too much fuel ie flooding. After a short while it clears and runs fine and will...
  8. T

    Crossed over with a Crossover !

    Hi gee and all, Yes your are right in thinking I got a rough deal,but I decided to go ahead with the deal even knowing the bus had not really been used for a couple of years. It had had a new fuel pump and a carb re-build to get it going and although sluggish seemed ok to...
  9. T

    Crossed over with a Crossover !

    Hi all, News today.........................two pistons holed,cracked heads and a busted exhaust just for good measure ! Re-build underway already. Any comments or opinions welcomed,especially as to the reason why...
  10. T

    Crossed over with a Crossover !

    Hi Just to keep you news yet,but I suppose no news is good news.Also as its been explained to me several times,you can't rush people in the VW world ! Personally I've got no problem at all with that Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. :roll:
  11. T

    Crossed over with a Crossover !

    Hi people, Quick up-date,don't be too hard on me........... but after trying several suggestions and getting nowhere;have now sent the bus away to be checked out ......... watch this space for the verdict. To be honest I am suspecting the worst :|
  12. T

    Crossed over with a Crossover !

    Hi guys Not had a lot of time,but managed to do the oil and have a good mooch around checking for any debris that may have been sucked up. Still starts but with a fair amount of smoke that seems to die down but returns on acceleration.Going to check timing tomorrow............ I'll...
  13. T

    Crossed over with a Crossover !

    Hi mate, Nice to see you pop up............ thanks again,I'll keep you posted. Also managed to start the bus and run a short distance a couple of times but symptoms persist... :? Cheers
  14. T

    Crossed over with a Crossover !

    Hi, As the title says just moved over from the late bay forum after selling my late bay and buying an Early Bay ( cossover ). Not without incident though............ expierienced serious engine trouble on the M6 on Saturday on my way back to sunny Berks and had to be recovered. Could now be...