Engine starting probs ?

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Oct 19, 2011
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Hi just back from a few days around the New forest and South coast, and clocked up about 400 miles. Since returning the Bus seems to stuggle on cold starting, sounding like it's missing and acting as if it is getting too much fuel ie flooding. After a short while it clears and runs fine and will start again from warm easily.
All a bit weird to me, so any ideas or suggestions of where and what to check/adjust would be great ...................Cheers.
Thanks for the heads up on that,just in from work but a managed to have a quick look. The actual wire to the choke terminal is ok but the terminal seems to move about a lot ? Does this point to something inside being broken ? If so is it a simple swap for another unit ?

Cheers :?
Thanks for the suggestion, managed to swap the choke unit and tried a couple of different settings,the problem is still there and I have also removed cleaned and reset the plugs ? I just don't have that initial higher engine speed whilst the choke is on,and it simply runs very rough until a few minutes after driving away. Once warm runs fine and restarts no trouble at all.
Any pointers as to what is going on and what to try to get things back to normal would be great..................... Cheers :?
Thanks for getting back to me,much appreciated ! The live feed is a piggy back from the cut off valve terminal,I'll double check in the morning also I was thinking of changing the idle vacuum diaphragm as I've got one in an unused carburettor service kit; what's your thoughts on this ? ( is it straight forward to do ) ..........................
Cheers :?
Just a quick update for those that may be interested,checked out the live feed to the choke unit and all appears OK. Then decided to put the choke unit on minimum setting,bearing in mind the previous one was set to max................ Straight away a considerable difference,started well from cold and went on to run nicely. Must admit a bit surprised to say the least ! So a big thanks for the hints and tips ;) Hopefully cracked it however watch this space in case I'm being a little over optimistic !............
Hi - hopefully that's sorted then! May be that the choke was setup previously in the dead of winter, when cold start is v.cold start!

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