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  1. S


    you nutter!! :lol: ha ha!! :lol: im having a real nitemare trying to get my van back on the road! :cry:
  2. S

    my '72 bay

    i know, but im getting there!! sorry! but your right i do LOVEmy van! :lol: the brakes are passat b3,front discs, pads and calipers, i hope they will work wel! ha ha!! 8) im glad you like them 8)
  3. S


    hi everyone!! could you let me know if anybody has used wriggleys aircooled in oswestry? :lol:
  4. S

    my '72 bay[/IMG]
  5. S

    my '72 bay

    this i my bay!! :lol: ive had ermintrude for 7 years and have just had some major work done as you can see! well if i've loaded the photos properly!! :P[/IMG]n75/100_2002.jpg[/IMG]ms/r282/karyn75/DSC00245.jpg[/IMG]
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    my '72 roof

    sounds like a plan!!! :lol: 8)
  7. S

    my '72 roof

    i havent gone there since! :twisted: think im gona have to bite my tounge and go and have a look!! think it will be ruined, probably been out in the rain! :cry:
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    my '72 roof

    thanks for the link, :lol: problem is the guy who repaired the roof hasn't given me the inside parts back, all i have is a fibreglass 'cap'!! :cry:
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    my '72 roof

    ok here goes!! am trying to put phots on!! :roll:
  10. S

    my '72 roof

    hey thanks for getting back so quick!! im in sittingbourne, im being blonde i know but how do i post my pics?!! :oops: i think he must have had huge boots for those spurs!!! thanks for your advice on the roof!! :x wicked idea about the rag top!! :P
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    my '72 roof

    Hi!! can anybody help me!? i have a 72 crossover, which i love!! :lol: i have just had the bodywork restored, but i have a real headache trying to sort my roof out! the guy who "fixed" the old roof, has made it worse, :evil: I bought a devon roof CAP from just kampers and he has used this as...
  12. S

    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    :oops: Hi there this is my first post!! im gona need some help from you guys, if thats ok!! my vans in bug trouble!!