Aircooled Drive In #4 in Thorn, August 16-18 (NL near Budel)

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Jul 12, 2013
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After 3 years At Horn, the Aircooled Drive In #4 jumps about 15 km Westwards to the lovely and lively white village Thorn.

our new location is about 3 times bigger than the old, which makes for a perfect "playground" for all you aircooled VW enthusiasts.

On Friday we'll kick off at 16:00has the first camping guests will make there entrance on our famous "red carpet" entrance.

at 18:00h our "Chef" will fire up the Bring-Your-Own-BugBQ. You can all bring your own steaks and sausages and our Chef will prepare them just the way you like it, for yout ot enjoy!

Saturday will be our lazy afternoon chill out! You maight want to visit Thorn, or hang out at the lake, but even better: get a pinstripe for your V-dub from Henry "Madmonkey" van Hoof or a true handmade (tiki)-carved item from Guido "Kaptain Kahuna" Cavalini.
Of course our bar will be open all day and the kids can have fun at BBT's bouncy Samba-castle.

At 19:00h the preparations for the actual Drive In will start, make sure you have a working FM radio!!!


After the movie feel free to join our Party-DJ for some air-guitar or headbang competition. Good oldfashion fun!

On Sunday at around 12:00h it is time to return home (or go on a tour of europe) and we will be waving you all goodbye.


Kids: 0-4 years
free entrance

Kids: 4-12 years
€ 5,- movieticket
€ 10,- movieticket including 2 nights on our "campingground"

Kids: 12-99 years
€ 10,- movieticket
€ 15,- movieticket including 2 nights on our "campingground"

drinks: € 1,65
Breakfast € 4,-
(1 sandwich & cup of coffee/tea)

Location: Kessenicherweg 20 Thorn (NL)
When: August 16-18th 2013
For who: Aircooled Volkswagens of all sorts

True Herbie Look-a-like's get one ticket per car for free!!

info:" onclick=";return false;
of: [email protected]

See you there
Some pictures of last year, to get in the mood.....








May I introduce: Aircooled Drive In #4's rockabilly/pin up model: Ruby La Roux.

A free picture of her will be taken with every aircooled vw on the showground on Saturday-evening. Pictures will be downloadable on our site afterwards.

These signs will help you find the Aircooled drive in.
See you there, next weekend!!

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