Early bay cab door winding mechs left and right £15
Early bay sliding door mechs plus all bars springs side to side £35
Sliding door rear mech the part the door clicks into when opened £25
Early bay fuel tank with sender £25
Sliding door Stryker £10
Chrome internal door levers 2 buttons £25 pair
Early bay gear shifting stick original £25
Late bay rear view mirror £10
Type 4 electric dizzy £20
Early bay master cylinder twin outlets £25
Late bay pedal plastic shroud screws to the floor £10
Tailgate hinge covers £20 pair
Totem £10
Early bay door step reap air panels x2 £10
Early bay washer bottle with attachment bracket £15
Early bay heater lever mech 4 lever with spring clip £20
Early bay front fresh air vent assembly with lever and springs etc etc complete £20
Early bay rear load floor cut solid £40
Off side b post with arch cut £40
Front walkthrough bulkhead cut £50
Early bay sliding door mechs plus all bars springs side to side £35
Sliding door rear mech the part the door clicks into when opened £25
Early bay fuel tank with sender £25
Sliding door Stryker £10
Chrome internal door levers 2 buttons £25 pair
Early bay gear shifting stick original £25
Late bay rear view mirror £10
Type 4 electric dizzy £20
Early bay master cylinder twin outlets £25
Late bay pedal plastic shroud screws to the floor £10
Tailgate hinge covers £20 pair
Totem £10
Early bay door step reap air panels x2 £10
Early bay washer bottle with attachment bracket £15
Early bay heater lever mech 4 lever with spring clip £20
Early bay front fresh air vent assembly with lever and springs etc etc complete £20
Early bay rear load floor cut solid £40
Off side b post with arch cut £40
Front walkthrough bulkhead cut £50