Bocar Set up

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Jun 10, 2010
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Hi BJ1 you were right on the money with set up matter how I try it wont tick over well that's not entirely true,when I try another set up I think cracked it and it ticks over nicely for a couple of minutes then its back to cutting out,if I drive it as soon as I stop it will cut out,and when its driving its almost like there's not enough fuel getting through,you mentioned a fix ...please enlighten me....thank you..
Sorry forgot to say I have just fitted a new base gasket just in case I had overtightened the first one but no difference...thanks
Mine has/had a Bocar (quite new) but although would be ok on a run in traffic and around town a real pain. Would not adjust as it should tried various fixes but no good so second hand Solex.
Rebuilt and a lot better when you adjust it you get a response!!! Think this is your best bet really.
When I bought this Bocar I was looking for a Solex,do you know any one that stocks rebuilt ones...thanks
algy said:
When I bought this Bocar I was looking for a Solex,do you know any one that stocks rebuilt ones...thanks

+1 on that - I did find a couple of people on thesamba but unfortunately they wanted exchange solex to rebuild and didn't have any spare ones to sell,

Ended up replacing my bocar with an empi (same unit) and my idle gremlins came back this weekend :( - will keep an eye out to see how you get on, I'd first try" onclick=";return false; as they've come through on a few hard to find bits in the past for my brother
algy said:
Hi BJ1 you were right on the money with set up matter how I try it wont tick over well that's not entirely true,when I try another set up I think cracked it and it ticks over nicely for a couple of minutes then its back to cutting out,if I drive it as soon as I stop it will cut out,and when its driving its almost like there's not enough fuel getting through,you mentioned a fix ...please enlighten me....thank you..

First piece of enlightenment - Bocar are crapulous carbs

Second piece - the muppets that made them built in a neat fault from day one. The idle jet is ether too long or the hole for it too short. Either way the carb has a rubbish fuel supply at tick-over. I have fixed that in the past by taking out the pilot jet and putting a thin fibre washer behind it when I screwed it back in. If that doesn't work then try a pukka Solex jet in the hole.

Third - these carbs often come with built in swarf in the internal drillings. This eventually partially blocks either the idle circuit and/or the accelerator pump jet. Solution is to throw the carb away (Ebay is a good rubbish bin but a bit wicked) and fit a good Solex PICT 34 or a Brosol H30/31 - good carb but you'll need an adaptor for a 1600tp engine because Brosol carbs are designed for the sp manifold.

So there you have it! BOCAR - anagram of COBRA - a dangerous snake of a carb :D

I think I'm beginning to sound like John Muir :?
Thanks for the info looks like the hunt begins for a Solex.
Hi there,

I've also had bad experiences with these Bocar carbs, my original solex was cracked so I bought a Bocar as a replacement, couldn't get it to run, same problems as you, cutting out when cold, engine rev delays when setting off etc...

I do however now have a good working carb, the solution in my case was to just swap over all the jets from the old solex into the bocar, this made an immediate difference and allowed me to tune the engine perfectly, I couldn't believe the power up the hills!!
My theory is that with emissions laws etc the jets are a lot smaller in the new carbs (They weren't stamped liked the solex jets, but looked holes looked visibly smaller) and cause the engine to run leaner, effectively causing fuel starvation problems.

If you have an old solex then I'd try the jets from that, or I think a company called eurocarb? may sell them, the specs for a 1600 TP are in the bentley manual IIRC,

Just my two peneth...
orpheusvw said:
Hi there,

I've also had bad experiences with these Bocar carbs, my original solex was cracked so I bought a Bocar as a replacement, couldn't get it to run, same problems as you, cutting out when cold, engine rev delays when setting off etc...

I do however now have a good working carb, the solution in my case was to just swap over all the jets from the old solex into the bocar, this made an immediate difference and allowed me to tune the engine perfectly, I couldn't believe the power up the hills!!
My theory is that with emissions laws etc the jets are a lot smaller in the new carbs (They weren't stamped liked the solex jets, but looked holes looked visibly smaller) and cause the engine to run leaner, effectively causing fuel starvation problems.

If you have an old solex then I'd try the jets from that, or I think a company called eurocarb? may sell them, the specs for a 1600 TP are in the bentley manual IIRC,

Just my two peneth...

Yes - Bocars do come jetted far too lean and so swapping the jets for the original Solex jets is a good idea, especially the idle jet. At least the barsteward will then tick over. 125 main jet from the PICT 34 is good but 130 is better for a tp engine.

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