Camper or bus Insurance costs question

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Active member
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all,

I have a newbie question, does anyone know if there is much of a difference if any in cost to get insurance on a bus compared to a camper? I have been told that insurance on a bus would be much higher, with the theory that you could have up to 8 or 9 people in the VW bus and much less in the Camper. This of course is not from a reliable source but has made me wonder.

I may have finally sold the scooby so fingers crossed could be in the market for a bus/camper by the weekend :D

Sorry if this is a silly question but if any one could help.



I think it depends on the insurance company and what you tell them!

Mines a bus but i never run with the middle seats in so its insured to carry 5! So many of them have been modified over the years so its important to tell them exactly what your running other wise if it did get stolen or damaged they have no room to wriggle out of paying up!

Hope that helps
Dont think so but that said the insurance is generally very good value and most wouldnt really notice a tenner here or there....
My insurance never asked this. Some I 've heard are higher if its a camper because of the gas carried on board. Although my last one had gas and this didnt affect the premium.
I lowered my last one 4" and the insurance went up by £6! However I suppose i'm now an old git at 39 :mrgreen:
Thanks guys.

Still, no clear cut direction to push me one way or the other!! :?

Guess I could still go either way. Leaving my options open. ;)

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