Dash illumination bulbs: NOW NEED BULB HOLDERS!

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2008
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anyone know where i can get those little bulbs that illuminate the dash?

Tried Heritage etc but no joy, I don't suppose the local Motorman would do em?
Here's the list but none of those look like the ones i have? or am i being a numptey and the bulb clips out of the black holding device? the closest is B9 but that is classed as a warning light.

Halfrauds sell them ...

..Im sure they are same as the warning bulbs.. or maybe someone will put me right .. :cool0008:
dubman24 said:
anyone know where i can get those little bulbs that illuminate the dash?

Tried Heritage etc but no joy, I don't suppose the local Motorman would do em?

Your dash is illuminated? If mine blow i would be hard pushed to tell :party0037: . Dose anyone get any decent light or do i need to replace my dimmer control.
clyde said:
Dose anyone get any decent light or do i need to replace my dimmer control.

Mine is really dim also :scared0016: The left hand side of the speedo face is slightly less dim than the other, but as thats generally the speed range I drive at anyway, thats not problem. My dimmer switch doesn't work so have been thinking of trying to refurb/replace the switch. This topic has been flirted with before and someone mentioned a simple clean/dusting provided marked improvement.

I still haven't got round to doing anything about it tho!? :whip:
My switch seems to be on or off, no dimness (is that even a word?)
Might just try and spray it with some electrical contact cleaner to see if that helps but not an issue as even in the car i always have the dash lights set to the max :party0048:
clyde said:
dubman24 said:
anyone know where i can get those little bulbs that illuminate the dash?

Tried Heritage etc but no joy, I don't suppose the local Motorman would do em?

Your dash is illuminated? If mine blow i would be hard pushed to tell :party0037: . Dose anyone get any decent light or do i need to replace my dimmer control.

Mine has a reasonable range of brightness/dimness enough to want to turn it down from full when driving at night if its been knocked.
Thanks froggy I got some from ebay, just need to try and get the buggers out now...man they are in there :x
Changed my bulbs today but i cheated a little,i also changed the dash so it was easy to replace the bulbs when i could actually grab hold of them :party0048:
Actually now have the generator light on when ignition turned on, the green light for side lights and the blue full beam light
My dash dimmer works and is quite bright, but is a bit jumpy when i dim it. Will have to take the switch out and give it a good clean should sort the prob :mrgreen:
Did mine yesterday, the green parking light bulb had blown, the blue main beam wasn't working - still not sure if it is... and there are two dash illumination bulbs (on my '72). My dimmer wasn't working as the switch wasn't connected to the bulbs.

I also lined the inside of the instrument panel with aluminium tape to increase the reflectivity :party0049: (is that a word?). Need to put it back together and see if it all works...

I got bulbs from local motor spares £0.75 each
This is on my long list of things taht needs to be done, also when i turn my sidelights on I get a creen light, then when i go to diped beam, this turns off, then i get a blue light for main beam, is that right ?
Yeah thats right, dont know why you dont get the green light when on dipped but it seems to be the same for everyone :ras:
right i replaced all the bulbs thanks froggy ;)

But the actual bulb holders are shot and the bulbs are on one minute and go off the next :x

Anyone got any new bulb holders or know where I can get hold of some?
I had a look at this last night, the bulb holders are teh same as used on VDO dials, but the VDO ones are earthed individualy, where as the camper ones are earthed off the housing of the guages, it may be worth upgrading to the newer type and running a nice earth to all of them, how many bulbs actualy iluminate the guages?


more than likely just a return path issue, get a fibre pen and clean the terminals (its awkward on the internal ones but when the fibre starts to get a bit ragged jam it in and rigorously writhe it about), clean the mating face on the dash back clean the common tabs on the dash back and the brown terminals........
like this

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/VDO-BOAT-PEANUT-LIGHT-BULB-SOCKET-parts-lights-sockets_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2em63Q2el1177QQhashZitem370128490775QQitemZ370128490775QQptZBoatQ5fPartsQ5fAccessoriesQ5fGear" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
froggy said:
Yeah thats right, dont know why you dont get the green light when on dipped but it seems to be the same for everyone :ras:
My green light stays on whether side lights, dipped lights or main beam is on :?

AxlFoley said:
how many bulbs actualy iluminate the guages?
My '72 has two illumination bulbs which sit in a green 'housing'/cover, tho the wiring diagram in my Hayne's manual I think showed three illumination bulbs... :roll:

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