I did mine a few weeks ago. I'm repeating many of the comments posted earlier that it's not actually too bad. The chrome inserts pop out continually when you're putting them into the rubber & are a frustration more than anything, but you soon know what to expect. I found it easy enough to thumb them into the groove using wd40 as lube. Once the chrome trim is in place, they all fitted into the window hole pretty easily after spraying silicon spray lube all over - except for the rear 3/4 windows.
The rears took 3 of us to fit, one on the inside pulling the string (wrapped twice around the rubber), another pushing the glass as the rubber was sealing on the frame & the other pressing the chrome trim to stop it popping out. They were seriously tight, and I mean tight!. I put the 1/4 window in first, knocked it up to the c post as far as it would go, then started at the rear vertical edge of the 3/4 window so the pressure was against the 1/4 frame constantly & then pulled hard on the cord whilst the other 2 mates pushed on the glass.
Not a good job to do, but it will go in!!