Dormobile bunks

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score

I have a dormobile roof fitted to my bay window and in it there is one bunk bed, I was told when I brought it that it would take a adults weight to sleep on no problem so was planning to sleep on it when we go camping in a few weeks time to Cornwall, I have though been told from the garage I'm am using to make some improvements that they are just for children and not for adults and if I sleep in it I will probably wake up on the floor within hours.

They have recommended I buy a cabin bunk for my little one to use and I use the rock and roll bed. If the cabin bed is the way to go then form where because I have read some threads on here that do not give great feedback.

Your thoughts please ?


We have a Dormobile with original bunks and canvas and I have often slept in them (approx 65kgs give or take!) no problem without ending up on the floor! Depending on how tall and broad you are it might feel a little narrow though it's wider at the front (drivers) end for your shoulders. Obviously the condition of the canvas is key too!
We also have a Dormobile cab bunk which is extremely sturdy (and expensive compared to the other conversion types!) but you will definitely be limited by the height of the proposed occupant as the van is only about 1.5m max across. My nine year old son is at the point where it's too short for him really-although he loves it!

Hope this helps.

Black dog
We've got a Devon with twin bunks in a Viking Roof.

I did some research a while ago and found out that the total weight in the two bunks shouldn't exceed 14 stones.

I don't know how accurate this source was, and I can't remember where it was, but I hope that this helps.
Thanks all

Dormobile bunk bed sounds good, don't suppose you fancy selling yours blackdog do you ?

Keep the advice coming.


Sorry not for sale-cab or roof bunks! Once my son has outgrown the cab bunk properly, then it still makes for excellent storage space. They are available to purchase through the website, though eye wateringly expensive in my humble opinion.
Hi Blackdog

Ok worth a try will have a look as the ones from JK etc don't seem have a good right up :(


If going for a non-dormobile style (without the frame etc) cab-bunk for a child, the ones from NLA VW seem to get decent reviews.
The NLA ones got a bit of a slating in this thread:" onclick=";return false;
mmmm agree the NLA ones have got a bit of a slating.

Anyone got the ones they sell on JK or Heritage please ?

Hi, I had the JK one for my little girl, she's now 6, she used it for about 3 years. The only problem I had with it was, now that she is bigger, when she leant on the pole to climb out it popped out of its bracket and collapsed onto the cab seat :shock: It gave her a bit of a shock but from then on I didn't trust it. I have now changed it to the one from Bluebird Customs with the spring loaded poles, so much more below, it's at the bottom of the page..." onclick=";return false;
Hi Jay

Looks spot on and think my little boy will love it.

Many thanks for the sake of £10 more than the JK one looks well worth it.



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