Dormobile Cooker

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2015
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We are restoring our 71 Dormobile. I can see the gas pipe goes into the engine bay. Is this a safe place to store it? I was thinking of relocating it to the cupboard behind the drivers seat. Has anyone done this and how easy is it to do? I wouldn't keep the gas connected unless we are using the cooker but do I need to put any vents into that cupboard?

Any help / advice greatly received.

Yes, earlier Dormobiles had the gas bottles in the engine compartment.

You can relocate them if you really want to but the new location must be ventilated out the bottom of the vehicle (butane is heavier than air).
Mine is in the engine bay as designed by Dormobile - held in place with a laminated ply wood "holder" with old school webbing straps holding the bottle(s) down. I prefer the gas bottles back there myself - you then have all the combustible high risk stuff - fuel and gas all away from the cab!

Speaking to Loxy recently and looking at his 72 my x-over his gas bottle is in the cupboard right behind the drivers seat and that's how Dormobile did it from 72 onwards I beleive. I think it would be a lot of work to re-route the pipe work etc. plus it eats into your cupboard space!

Thanks for all your replies. Hmmm, not sure about the leisure battery as it didn't come with one and we've not got around to doing that yet. All the straps are still in the engine bay for gas bottle.

Hoping its safe.

A sulphuric acid filled plastic box that gives off Hydrogen gas is considered safe in the engine compartment.
Can I fit a leisure battery in as well? If not, where's a good alternative without losing too much storage space. Thank you
Yes you guessed it already. If you want a leisure battery then you will have to move the gas bottles.

As for where - any where they will fit that suits your needs. As already posted by Fortunate Son, the later Dormobiles fitted them in the cupboard unit directly behind the drivers seat of instance.

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