Just a quickie :mrgreen: Just started thinking about lowering my bus. il be going for adjustable spring plates at the rear and beam adjusters at the front. Thing is i also want to fit dropspindles at the front so as not to put to much stress on my balljoints by having to turn the beam adjusters full tilt(to get the desired affect).All i seem to hear about dropspindles is"dont do it,they shear".I can see how they would shear because the stub is welded flat onto the hub section and there is no interferance fit. My question is...Has anyone ever had one snap on them or personaly know someone that this has happend to :?: Just wonderd if this is a myth or does it realy happen :?: A lot of people still seem to use em. Also heard that T2D are testing a set for their own production,is this true :?: Cheers Rich :mrgreen: