***Early Bay Adventure weekend*** September 2017

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Rikki James

Well-known member
Oct 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hi all,

I'm re-posting this due to the fact the original posting was for last year and slightly lost and confusing.
Old posting: http://forum.earlybay.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=69466&hilit=rikki+james#p562560

Please add your self's to the participants list at the bottom of the post/info if you fancy a brilliant weekend! I will have prices for the event shortly.

Due to the total success of the event that I put together for the SSCV, I thought I'd see if you guys were interested in your own Early Bay adventure weekend? Please check out how it works and what happens..... If we can get enough people on-board (sorry), I will put the event together for you (as I now own an early bay) ;-)

When is it happening:

Dates are as follows: Friday the 23rd to Sunday the 25th of September, with all the usual activities. Arrival and set up on Friday evening, canoeing on Saturday, rock climbing on Sunday morning, then the convoy to a place of interest early Sunday afternoon, winding it all up at about 4/5pm on Sunday afternoon. This is a limited event with only 30 camping spaces (which will go soon), so get your name on the list here and get booking via the link I will add shortly. Remember, you don't have to do everything, ie if rock climbing isn't for you, don't do it etc etc

What happening:

Friday evening. Arrive at the camp site (right next to the river Wye). set up and enjoy the communal open fire, chilling out, plus visit the local pub (very close/to close!! ;-)).

Saturday. Canoeing for anyone and everyone (great for families also). Quite a leisurely affair, stopping off for lunch on the banks of the river half way. The 9 mile route is all down stream so its not hard work or particularly taxing, just great fun! The staff/guides are very well trained/qualified and will brief you before you start, plus accompany on-route to the finish. Evening, again, Communal open fire, chill out, visit pub!

Sunday. Morning starts with a rock climbing sessions (including families). Make this one as easy or as difficult as you wish (various category climbs available) and again really good fun! For the afternoon we have a cruz lined up to a place of local interest, where we stop for the compulsory photo shoot opportunity and afternoon tea. Then cruz back to the campsite and finish up for the weekend at about 03:00.

Where is it:

Wyedean Canoe & Adventure Centre & Symonds Yat East Campsite http://wyedean.co.uk/?gclid=CNvr8PzRq7MCFczHtAod3VwAOw" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; Map http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=35 ... 16026&lm=0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Here are a couple of pix of the SSVC at the event....



There are various options you can sign up for, i.e. just canoeing, just white water kayaking, just rock climbing, or take part in everything, its your call. Basically just tick the boxes of the activity(’s) you wish to participate in. Camping fees will be very affordable and will be confirmed once we have a rough idea on participants. We have a great Early Bay deal being offered by the really nice people that run the the place and I can guarantee a proper fun weekend!!

If this interests you, please drop a quick message on this post letting me know, so that we can get an idea on numbers ......and remember, you don't have to of have any previous experience in any of the activities whatsoever, as the staff/guides will assist you and make it a pleasant laid back affair, or as difficult as you desire ;-)



PS I understand the fishing is pretty good also!!



Participants list:

Rikki James + 2
Grant Jones + 2
Just to let you all know, this may be the final Early Bay Adventure weekend as the venue is about to lose their camping field. Don’t miss out on this last opportunity people!!


Numbers are looking a bit low :? Come on people!!

Participants so faro far:
Rikki James + 2
Grant Jones + 2
Adi + 1
Matt Pinker + 3