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I've just fished it out of the garage - cant bend it at all by hand, you can mark the rubber with a sharp object, but it is very hard rubber indeed. I hope it doesn't need much flex to fit and work, there isn't any give by hand on this!

It was a seach found it, after promted by a thread on here. Was much cheaper, even inc postage, than a UK repro of dubiuos quality. I looked a few days after it arrived, but no more were for sale. Maybe some of our Euro friends, Bus OK and the like may have some NOS if anyone needs some.

It's always nice to have NOS, and if i see something i may need, I'll get it. You'll need it one day!

A NOS bodyshell would be nice!!  :lol: I remember many moon ago, Ford were selling off bodyshells for £500, inc Sierra 3 door Cosworth type, if I had the money and the space, I'd be a very rich man, instead, i have a lovely camper and empty pockets.....Ho Hum!  :D


