Is it possible to change the clutch housing or am I asking for problems ? Is the clutch housing and transmission case paired for life :? Am I looking at another box.
I have as yet not had to bugger about with the gearbox - yet - everything else yes, but looking at those nuts it looks like a separate piece. Now we just have to wait to hear from someone who knows what there on about - rather than my pointless drivel!
I think that looks worse than it is - clean up the whole area inside the bellhousing and see how far the hole goes - if it were mine I would consider either welding the hole up or appling some of that liquid metal that sets hard.
Shouldnt really affect the function of the gearbox/clutch.
Do you have any other pics from different angles - I think you could also just swap the belhousing, although I am sure someone more knowledgeable than me will be along shortly
The clutch housing does bolt to box unlike my old beetle which was all one casting, but maybe the way it's machined might be a problem, it might be paired with the rest of the box for the position of main shaft ? I don't really know :?
According to this pic taken from the heritage website it would appear to be removable however I havent found any new ones available for sale - so might be a case of removing it and getting it repaired at a machine shop
Compared to the clutch and flywheel it looks like old damage, I'm guessing it's from some previous clutch failure with a load of bits flying round inside smashing its way out.
Swapping the bell housing is a simple job. Just make sure you get one that's the same depth ie. the t1 engine uses a slightly different housing to the t4.