Justin & Mutley said:The bus is yours- you've met the T & C's! Contact the seller again and ask him to reconsider... you can also apply for the sellers' contact details (inc phone number) through eBay to speak to him in person. If all else fail contact eBay for help - you (and the seller) have entered into a contract, both of you should honour it and a bit of pressure from eBay should do the trick...
This may help:
Contacting Your Seller
After you win an item, the Pay Now button is usually the fastest way to pay your seller. The Pay Now button will appear on the item page in My eBay after you win an item, and in the confirmation email you receive from eBay.
However, if you're unable to pay using the Pay Now button because you're missing total cost information, or have questions about the final price, you can request the total from the seller. To do so, click on the "Request Total" link on the item page in My eBay, or during the review step after clicking on the Pay Now button.
If you have a question unrelated to the final costs of your purchase click the "Contact Seller" link on the item page.
If you have tried the options above and are still unable to get a response from your Seller, you can request additional contact information directly from eBay. First, click on the "Advanced Search" link under the "Search" button in the eBay header. Next, click on the "Find Contact Information" link on the left-hand side of the page.
Note: In order to obtain contact information from another member you have to have a transaction in common.
Your Contact Information
Make sure eBay always has your current contact information, such as email address, phone number, and postal address so that your sellers can contact you after you win an item.
If your correct information isn't on file, other members won't be able to contact you or post items to your new address. It's against eBay rules to keep incorrect or out-of-date contact information on file.
Good luck, keep us informed...
Don't really want to force this as you don't know what you could be letting yourself in for.
Last thing you want is the seller doing something to the van.