Best way to set timing is at full advance which I think should be all in at 3200RPM absolute max advance should be 32 deg BTCD.
As for the cooling flaps, they are prity strait foward, bar that connects to the flaps needs to be fitted at the same time as the flaps so becomes part of you fan house assembly, joggel in bar at flap end is to back of van, use 4mm washer one side and push nut/star washer other side. Push rod goes down between cylinders hot down hole in the head (found this out when fitting mine) it needs a bit of a shove to get it through.
The arm that links the flaps is help on using eith some special clips or small spring which are the same as the ones which hold the heater and cooling system togeter under the dash, put a washer at the back of the link bar to stop it jamming the flaps, and then fit fail safe spring and you should be good to go.
Set thermostat cold, losen thermostat bracket from engine case, disconect thermostat from bracket, push themostat and bracket up till the flaps are fully open. Clap bracket to engine case, the bolt thermostat to bracket. You should end up with space between the top of the bracket and the thermostat.
Refitting the system to my stock 1600 SP made more difference than I expected to how the van performs. I suspect that with out any flap in the fan housing the cylinders and heads run with hot and cold spots. As before I refitted I was getting signs of valve guide wear on No 3 cylinder exhaust valve and the enging had only done 3K, also valves adjustment on not 3 and 4 kept being a problem, since I fitted the cooling and thermostatic system No3 and 4 have stayed in adjustment for the last 2K and no more problem with guide wear.