If you agree, please sign...........

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Little Nod

Active member
Jan 15, 2008
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If you agree, please sign the petition below :?:

Read on....................

You may or may not have seen this, the deadline to sign is 19 Aug 08. It is
your personal decision. Please read the email chain to understand the

An excellent cause I think!

Please spare two minutes of your time to READ this, you never know you
require help one day.

I wonder if you can help?

We are trying to assist with a petition to the UK Government to create
dedicated Military & Veterans Hospital within the UK.

To give you some background, 2 Para have already sent back over 50
casualties to the UK from their current tour alone. Selly Oak, the only
military dedicated ward in UK, cannot accommodate anywhere near this
number, so when all of the casualties from other battle groups are added
to the figure, how is ONE ward in an NHS hospital going to cope?

In truth it cannot !!!! The individual troops are sent home to
relying on NHS and the visiting services available, which themselves are
over committed.

More names are needed for this petition, and quite cynically, 'Downing
Street' has put a time limit of one month for this to be achieved.

Sign now and do what you can. Please click the link below to sign, you
will receive and email to confirm your signature.

We need as many people as possible to sign this petition before 19th
August. Could you also if in agreement please pass this on to as many
people as possible and ask them to do the same thing?

Lets all send a 'LOUD' message to London!!

http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Wounded" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;>
This has been an issue ever since the closure of all the millitary hospitals, Wroughton, Halton, Catterick etc.... There have been many petitions both physical hard copy and electronic, the plain fact is hospitals/wards cost a lot of money to run, military personel are an expendable resource in this country and have always prooved to be the poor man amongst the international community christ you just need to be on a nato exercise and see what some of the others are treat like (I can still remember coke machines in a mock battlefield :roll: ), they give so much and recieve so little in return. You just need to look at some of the appaling quarters and barracks that people are expected to live and raise there families in, the poor pay, on going arguments over pensions, ever decreasing training due to costs, lack of equipment etc.... then look at last years rucuss over the headley court families house, where the local residents petioned not to allow the families of wounded soldiers to stay when visiting..... serving and ex serving have always had the ****** end of the stick and always will until there service is recognised properly and I dont mean a poxy parade for vets :roll:

rant over and signed again...
ditto :wink:

When i read about that **** conductor kicking the soldier, in full fatigues, off the train because he didnt have his ID card it makes you wonder what is up with civvies these days!. what was the conductor thinking? :roll: did he think the guy got dressed up in army gear to knock a few quid off his ticket?

:idea: :D
have to agree with the sentiments expressed by johnny and araon.

we seem to be embarassed of our forces in this country and while i'm not a fan of many things US, i have to admit that they treat their service men and women with the respect and gratitude they deserve. e.g. i was at Seaworld, Florida 2 years ago and the whole crowd at a show gave half a dozen servicemen in the crowd a massive round of applause and they and their families were on the huge screen throughout. would we even acknowledge their presence if it were in the UK? doubtfull........ :oops:

anyway, signed and passed on..........
Don't want to make this all political but what has this got to do with vans?

I don't agree with where we've sent troops over the last few years and they aren't conscripts so, although I sympathise with people who get injured for any reason, I have to ask if there is a petition for the Iraqis and Afghans who never had a choice about joining?

I appreciate that this comment will annoy services and ex-services peeps but you brought it up...I just go on earlybay for van stuff, a nice escape from wars etc
1 it aint a iraq afghan thing, indeed this problem has existed since a little while after the 1st conflict after thatchers government actively sought to out source all "non essential" services, a process which the forces are still strugling with....

2 conscripts or not it aint like you get much of an option on your chosen battle ground....indeed many service personel disagreed with the reasons for going in, that said many people seem to forget what was happening in both these regions, so a little perspective, you say you disagree with where the troops have been sent, well you have that right to openly voice discontent, that was not the case in either of these areas nor to be honest is it strictly so yet.

3 you havent just talked van stuff in the past
Point 1 that you make Aaron I have to just say fair enough.

Point 2 I'd probably argue with but that's my point- I don't really want to come on here to argue. I might be a bit over sensitive about political posts but I like my footy and some great boards have ruined when politics have come up too regularly.

Point 3 I don't think I've ever started a politically related thread- might have replied to one or two though. I don't object to light hearted non-van stuff, it's just that when politics are brought into it tempers can get frayed which would be a shame on such a friendly and supportive board.
rosko rosbif said:
Point 3 I don't think I've ever started a politically related thread- might have replied to one or two though. I don't object to light hearted non-van stuff, it's just that when politics are brought into it tempers can get frayed which would be a shame on such a friendly and supportive board.

You dont have to reply to posts.....
True, but it can be hard to just let stuff go unquestioned so I think it works out better if politics doesn't get raised in the first place. Maybe it's just me and everybody else is fine with it but I'd rather not have to start thinking about whether the US have a better attitude to their troops than us when I log on to look at/talk about vans.
Ah you see there again your refering to the uk/us/middle east that aint at all what this is about I personally do not like the way that the US herald there heros as such....i dont like the way that they hold veterans day etc... I do however like the way they support there fallen as do all the other european forces..

as stated you can decide to ignore threads...but if it offends then again its good to raise your concerns thats the benefit of living a democracy wether you like it or not..

personally i cannot see the harm in a good debate granted it aint bus related at all, but hey in which forum do you get 100% bus?

I dont like your views you dont like mine in this point that dont mean I wont split a beer with you and discuss it further even if it gets a little heated :lol:

hopefully we can carry this on at vanfest :D feed me beer and i'll fight the world :lol:

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