Off Topic: Flood in Gloucester

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Sythen/D - Münsterland
Hi there,

sorry for this Off Topic.

But everything´s okay with forum-user inthe area of Gloucester? A friend lives 10 miles from the flood and has no water an electricity.

In Germany we see on TV the complete catastrophy by helicopter pictures and camera teams on the ground. Terrible. It´s like the big flood at Oder River in Eastern Germany some years ago.

All the best for bus drivers and their families round Gloucester area and eyery flooded region from Westfalia/Northwest Germany.
I live in Hereford, the floods have hit this area too. Luckly i live too high for the river to affect our home. The mother in law had to stay over at our house Friday as she could not get home due to the floods!
been watching it on the news, the weathers gone crazy.
i cant belive how much rain were having, ive got a 200litre waterbutt and its filling up in around an hour when it rains :shock:
Yup thoughts out to the glos massive. I am in Bristol which hasnt been effect yet, but a few roads are flooding on a daily basis, but no where new Tewksbury standard. :shock:
Yeah my heart goes out to all the people effected, I really hope the government helps all the people out, you feel a little bit helpless in northampton, the weathers not been that bad here really, I wanna help but not sure how.
I'm in Reading, the surge of water is heading our way and the surrounding areas are already flooded, we're ok being on a hill, if we have an inch of the wet stuff in our lounge then theres 10000 houses completely under :cry: the only problem we're getting is the access roads around here going under, the water level has dropped since the weekend but is expected to rise again tonight :roll:
apart from the poor people and their own personal loss, did you see that the brussel sprout harvest has been 50 % destroyed aswell! :shock: plus the bean harvest has been 40% reduced :shock:

That rain better not touch my spuds! :shock: :wink:
potatos are suffering too mate, herefordshire is the potato capital of the uk and a lot of its washed out!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! not the taters aswell! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Right thats it, im off to get some chips and crisps before they sell out :shock:

Christmas is looking plop at the moment! no brussels, no taters! no peas! poor turkeys are probably drowned aswell :cry: :cry:
good point Al! notch me down for a couple :wink:
This is a desperate city :(
Our neighbours flooded but we stayed ok
No water since the weekend and no power earlier in the week
By comparison to many we have no worries, lots of folk seriously ****** at the mo.
We are off to Spain/France at the weekend in the van so good riddance to the place!

Seriously, never take the ability to flush a loo for granted.....
My in-laws had a car washed away, expecting it to be written off by the insurace co....and they have no tap water. They live between Cheltenham and Tewkesbury. They are safe and sound though, so that's the main thing.
And I imagine my sister in law is relived she and her husband chose to emigrate to NZ a few months ago. They owned a pub just outside Tewkesbury :cry:


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