Powdercoating...ballpark cost to get wheels/bumpers done

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all.

Anybody know what a typical fee would be to get a set of five wheels powdercoated. I also want my bumpers doing...same question applies.

Thanks in advance :mrgreen:

My bumpers, 5 wheels and a few other bits (hup caps,etc) was about two hundred for both powder coating and blasting excl the blasting of the bumpers. Just be careful around the wheel nut holes on the wheels. Seem to remember at least one instance of someone having them loosen off if powder coated right up to and around the holes.

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68_early_bay said:
Where are you based?

I've just been given a rough estimate of £25-£30 per wheel for blasting and powder coating :mrgreen:


I'm based in Warrington, Cheshire.

Just a reminder- powdercoated wheels need the bolt seats sanded clear of powdercoat before fitting. When they get hot the powdercoat softens and you can find yourself with loose wheel bolts.

I need my roof rack sand blasted and then power coated and am in northampton, anyone now rough costing and anyone local please ?
Don't use the powder coaters by warrington college can't remember the name of them but they're quality was abysmal
72baywesty said:
Don't use the powder coaters by warrington college can't remember the name of them but they're quality was abysmal

Thanks for the heads up ;)
That was flare, had quite a bit done there, had to mention to them about the quality

Don't think they are there anymore

72 bay Westy where are you from

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