sparkywig said:
aogrady said:
A easy check is take all the dangly metal tags and key rings off your ignition key, when you go round corners your keys touch the column and earth out the horn, you can sometimes see a little spark, Mine does this, i put some pipe lagging on, i'll get some black sticky back plastic for my column to stop the key rings and junk hanging off my ignition key earthing out the horn, roundabouts always fun.....
I'd say there's an issue you need to sort asap. The ignition barrel shouldn't be live, the actual switch is operated mechanically from the end, there's no electrical connection.
Bugger. Something else to look at. I've a NOS steering coupling to fit sometime, (one day), maybe look at it then, TBH Wig, it's been like it as long as i have had the bus since import, so like about 8 years......

:roll: :lol:
My horn works as normal mind, funilly enough, I recall one of our USA friends having exactly the same issue, might be justcrusin' that Kim, did all the tie die stuff in his westy???
Perhaps a look on the Samba may offer a reason why it has happened.