Problems posting????

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Wittering, Cambs.
We have one of our friends with posting issues, unable to respond to threads or generate new, but is able to PM, are their any others out there PM one of the mods with details.....Cheers

however the screen went very strange after I hit the submit key.

Bet it's that spammer put the curse on us!
Nah unfortunately, working on the bus, well i say working on it after todays fiasco, brown paper, vinyl and glue everywhere :roll:

I'll be at Big bang not sure what day though and of course Stanford Hall
i've noticed a few weird things tonight ?

for one, when i was replying to threads tonight, all was as normal until i clicked on 'submit', whereupon the words on the screen went huge and there were a couple of lines of gobbledygook across the very top of the screen like the computer print-out from the satellite monitoring station in twin peaks


only it seemed to have the word 'spammers' in it... felt like something out of the x-files let me tell you.


ooh that was fun :)

secondly, the smiley faces have gone all weird :?

well, not all of them, but certainly the vast majority have become so distorted that some of them actually put me in mind of pete burns :|

finally, there don't seem to have been any interesting posts for the last three weeks or so...
ive enabled a spam filter that checks your ip and email before posting with a global list. There are 8 lists that contain known spam IPs and emails and block the spammer before they can post. If this is annoying it can be removed. It means patrolling the forums for spam posts and manual removal :(

i think your friend might have an IP on that list or an email registered with the list?

Whats the user name? is it dave by any chance?

the smilies are looking a bit chiselled these days. ill see what i can fix up there.

i dont want to block anyones enjoyment of the site and if any of the filters are annoying people they will be removed.
It was indeed dave, iwas getting all that funky **** that the councillor reported for a short while but then it cleared up and alls good here...

Councillor you just dont have any hooks yet, stick around something will get your attention soon
Araon said:
It was indeed dave, iwas getting all that funky **** that the councillor reported for a short while but then it cleared up and alls good here...

it was a short script processing the post, ive removed some of the offending coding, it still works but unfortunately the lists may not be up-to-date, but it better than nothing.
dave said:
thanks guys, if this reply gets through then it worked!

yeah sorry about that :oops: .

I've implemented tighter registration and added a few mods so hopefully it will keep the spammers at bay. Still have to go through and delete the ones that did get in earlier.

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