Teeth implants - anyone had one

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2011
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Sunny south coast (nr southampton)
As the title anyone had a tooth implant done?

I need to have one and have been for a consultation. Understand whats involved which sounds awful.

They cut open a flap in the gum
Drill a series of holes getting bigger each time in my jaw bone
As my jaw bone is too thin where the impant goes they are using bovine bone
Place the implant and sew back up my gum.
Leave for 3 months to let the implant bond with the bone
cut open the gum and fit a topper in the implant, sew gum back up
Fit a post and a ceramic tooth on the top.

charge me an arm and a leg.

Not a massive fan of the dentists and I understand the first part will see me sat in the chair for well over an hour.

How bad is it really? I'm assuming I am going to be suffering for a few days with a sore mouth?

My Dad had some done...not pleasant!
He looked like he'd been in a fight with bruising around the jaw!
I think he thinks it was worth spending his childrens inheritance on :lol:
I had two, had some bovine powder bonded onto my jaw too, same reason, it was too narrow.
You'll have a bit of swelling but it aint too bad.
Just be careful eating any game meat thats been shot with a shotgun... chomp down on some meat with shot in it and they fall out :msn4: had to borrow me Nans denture paste to stick 'em back in until I could get back to the dentist. :lol: :lol: :lol:

£3600 bill, my gaffer paid.

Before (at the hospital)



That was Nov 2006, I was working under a machine doing some repairs on a locking mechanism and though I'd discharged all the air out of a cylinder :roll: Broke my jaw and knocked out 2 teeth. I was very lucky!

Luckily it didnt spoil me good looks... :lol:

Good lord, that looks painful. I've had a few nasty injuries and subsequent ops but when it comes to dentists evens a polish has me shitting myself!!

Good luck for your op, let us know how it goes
Yer I draw a line at dentists
I stopped going at age 18
My wife made me go when we were 25
I hate it every time I go
The thought of that freaks me out
Marriedblonde said:
Jesus christ nik was the split lip part of the process???

Nah, the split lip was from the shaft that shot out of cylinder and broke my jaw.
My lip was the most painful of the whole injury.

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got various molars missing due to breakages none in the lower back LH side looked at implants apart from cost not always as succesful as could be, mainly because you a drilling into the bone and sometimes infections even when healed get between gum and pin, nasty.

i get so nervous at dentist it overrides the anaesthetic i have so much adrenalin pumping round my system, my doctor was good enough to prescribe me Diazapam..............sweet last broken tooth i had at...totally awsome :p
Funny how the dentist sends some people into a mess..
Never ever bothered me going to the dentist - I see it as being good for me to be honest, not a chore...

So, I find it difficult to understand why some people get so worked up about it........ (and yes, I have had a few trips which didn't go to plan)
i have no rational explanation for it either, not generally a puff, have enjoyed "dangerous" with some fairly painful falls but always looked forward to the day

but the dentist reduces me to a complete and utter wreck, i get the old twisty tummy and and the need to piss like a horse from the moment i wake up, possibly a control thing...... i was always in control of what i did was never entirely reliant on some one else.

embarassing to admit for a 40something bloke.. but the dentist scares the f***ck out of me. long live diazapam
wow,,,,you guys make feel so lucky at 63 never even had a cavity and all these years of racing mx never got hit in the face hard enough to cause damage , dang
I am Ops manager for the Uks largest Independant Orthodontic suppliers ;) and we sell them! i know a good deal of people who have had them and said that it was never as bad as they thought it was going to be :mrgreen: it does take a while and does cost a ton of cash, but its always worth going to the dental hospital local to you and see if you can get free ;) always worth a try and a few of my friends have had Ortho treatment this way, same products, same Orthodontist but free! 8)
You will be fine soon! I recently went for a smile makeover and I felt it was successful. Initially I had some difficulty in adjusting to the discomfort of having something done new on my teeth. But now I'm very comfortable with it and I no longer hesitate to give people my hearty smile. I always put on my best smile and I'm so glad that I chose to get it done!

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