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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
Winsford Cheshire
I've just replaced my fuel sender and the gauge worked fine :)

Then it started to flicker so removed the clocks etc and the connection was loose, fine I thought but when I put it all back, one of the indicator lights failed so I removed it again and the cable had come off :roll: .

After putting it back the horn stopped working and the wipers were really slow :? , then the indicators stopped completely and the hazards only work with the ignition on :? .

Now all that is working is the lights and the starter wont turn, just clicking.

I've checked the battery and there is just over 12v on it.

What I did notice is that when the hazards were clicking away that it was a very weak click, if you no what I mean? Sam with the indicators and they were not working at all on the outside but when I tapped the black box behind the dash it tempararely worked.

I removed it at the back fell off so I put it back on and re fixed it in position, could it be the box?


I really need to get this fixed as I am supposed to be driving to T2D on friday for my lowering job.

Any help would be greatly received.


Had the exact same problem, those wires dont like being touched after all those years :|
There are some wires going into a plastic conector near that lot when I removed and cleaned the connectors everything was back to normal, best to disconnect the battery first.
The fuel gauge even started to go up when I put the wiper switch on number 2, that's when I got really confused :lol:

There's no connector though, just the fuse board, the alloy relay and that black box.
Due to so many circuits having faults that presumably were not there before, I think a 'common' connection is most likely at fault, that I suspect to be the 'earth' connection. I have yet to experience the joys of bus dash electrics, but would think there is one earth connection for the speedo/fuel gauge 'pod'. Check/clean any/all earth terminals first (at both ends) then if no success, methodically clean all other connections one at a time so as not to get things mixed up! As suggested, safest to disconnect the battery first. If the above doesn't help then I'm afraid I can't offer any more advice. Good luck mate. Was hoping to get to T2D for your bus being 'done' but have to work.
Thanks dude, that's my plan for tomorrow now. I've just been reading the Bentley manual and I'm thinking earth problems too.

I've walked away before I get too pissed with it
I'm at a loss, anyone got any ideas.

The horn doesn't work and the wiper motor starts and stops randomly with the switch on. The horn passes though the black relay box too, i'm hoping it's that.

The battery is draining rapidly too.
For the benefit of those searching for "fuel guage indicator not working" and come across this thread - with symptoms of the fuel gauge coming on and off with the hazard lights when ignition on and a very dim indicator bulb....you've blown a fuse! - last one on the right as you look at the fuse box, that's what caused similar symptoms on mine!

I now need to go buy some continental fuses and throw away my vast array of glass ones :)
As stated the wires behind the dash don't like being disturbed after so many years, only needs to be the slightest movement to upset things. I had some issues with mine when I go it, flashers etc and the only way is to trace back, clean everything up and make sure its connected. It does sound like an earth though.
Got to take my instrument panel out shortly so will watch this thread with interest.
I hope you get to the bottom of it ;)
Had the same problem when I changed my fuel gauge, thing s not working right then when I was driving down the road it all went dead. Fiddled about with that black box and it worked again but no indicators.
I removed the black box and cleaned all the connectors and crimped up the cables and its been working ok since.
This issue has come up a few times on here, usually when someones worked on the dash.
Maybe I'll fit my new clock somewhere else, and ignore the fact the speedo and fuel gauge glass dropped when I tapped it in the vain hope the gauge would work!! :lol:
streetboy said:
Maybe I'll fit my new clock somewhere else, and ignore the fact the speedo and fuel gauge glass dropped when I tapped it in the vain hope the gauge would work!! :lol:

haha! - that's what caused me to blow the fuse :D - glass dropped after I gave the instrument a gentle "tap" - decided to remove the binnacle to fix (had to duct tape it in as all the plastic lugs had broken :msn4: ) and on putting it back shorted out a couple of cables and blew the fuse :roll:

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