Vunder-bra anyone????

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Im placing a bid on this!

Just need to know what the pricerange of theese are?
- is 50£ an OK price, and whats new price?


Found some:
VW Bay 1968-79 Black £115
VW Bay 1968-79 Any Colour £115
VW Bay 1968-79 5" Check £185
VW Bay 1968-79 3" Check £209
He did'nt want to ship outside UK. Bastard! :x

Any of u Gents want to buy it for me? :p It's no hassle with the shipping tho.
Ask him for a postage cost to Norway I dont mind receiving it and sticking it straight back in the post to you if the cost is good or if he doesnt want to do that get the weight and dimensions of it packed
He still woun't ship, but i told him that standard P&P normaly cost about 8-12£. I do some e-baying :p

The only thing i need is for the package to have no greater value than 20£. Then the Norwegian Customs takes an aditional 25% in tax... I can't have that on top..

Darn, i want this! :oops:

EDIT: I have sent him another e-mail, asking if he would consider shipping once more.
If not, I hope you will help me =)
Thanks for checking the P cost!
read the above fella, i'm happy to get it delivered here at mine then drop it into the post office in the village all i need is your address , i'll give you mine to pass onto the seller as I said going by the details from the seller its gonna be about £6 to post onto you.
I've just been outbidded of 65£. Is it so cheap anymore.. ?
I sent a question regarding postage to Australia,(I wasn't going to bid as I've already got one) and She has worked out international posting is now not so difficult. I think she is a novice on eGay the way her reply to me read, so it seems it's all OK now.
Prizma said:
But is it worth it.. :p

any of you guys have one around?

Only you can make that decision. I paid through the nose for mine, I got it off thesamba and then paid postage from the U.S.A. I think their post office subsidises their defence budget after that experience. But after all that I'm happy with my choice. Hope that helps.
No :(

I maxed out on 83£, and was'nt near a Wifi point, to check out the status untill someone nid 87£... Auch..
Anyways, keep an eye out 4 me, please!

Thanks for all the help - Lobus and Araon!

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