We’ve been having one of our family zoom meetings once a week as a quiz for quite a while now perhaps a year. Everyone prepares five questions on the subject predetermined by last weeks winner :mrgreen: This was great for a while then gradually peeps got bored with suggestions on topics etc so we’ve adopted a new format. In this format, on the first week all the answers had to begin with the letter ‘A’ and the second week the letter ‘B’ etc etc. One of the questions on week one was something about where you might find Roos? And the answer obviously was Australia etc etc. I had a good one last week with name an egg laying mammal that has a four headed penis beginning with E :shock: :shock: :shock: Answer was Echidna also known as a spiny ant eater in its common name. Well a lot didn’t prepare any questions as they’d just got in from work etc etc etc, which I think is just very clever cheating :shock: as it’s easier to win if you didn’t submit any questions for others to get points from :roll: So some of us prepared some spare questions just in case someone else uses one of your own questions. But it all went a little stagnant so I teased them with a question I had ready for next week. So next week the answer has to start with ‘F’ and my question was a name for a large gathering or collection of rabbits ??? So Google it if you like as the answer is rather delightful, or does anyone know it off the top of their head? It’s quite good but doesn’t sound real :mrgreen:
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,and some help please with ‘F’ type answers for next week :mrgreen:
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,and some help please with ‘F’ type answers for next week :mrgreen: