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WANTED Engine mount bar. That looks like this...........

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Active member
Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Folks, :D Anyone got an engine mount bar for a 71. Moustache type, or
like this ?
One of the auto jumble stalls at Dubfreeze had one them for sale the other Sunday :? Been a while since I'd seen another :?

It was the stall first on the right as you went in the auto jumble area if anyone can remember who it was for you :mrgreen:
I didn't get to dubfreeze, so I'll be relying on you ..or someone else to remember....
Could I use the 'moustache' type ? Looks much the same, but fatter, and like a moustache........... funnily. :shock:
Yours looks like a bit of a hybrid with ends from an early moustache bar? Got any other pics?
My '71 has a standard moustache type. You should be fine with one!
Here's a link to a picture of the two types. I'm guessing either will do, although the one like yours, looks sturdier?

http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b415/Snarky-Snark_and_the_Funky_Bus/71%252520Deluxe%252520and%25252071%252520Westfalia%252520Weekender/54C02A95-2061-4BEC-A50F-F07C74038E0F-115-00000049764EB7BB.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.volkszone.co.uk/VZi/showthread.php?threadid%3D1204785&h=596&w=800&tbnid=FJVjpSOJX7kKAM:&zoom=1&docid=JcTPV3TusssttM&ei=ZjjyVLW7GoGtUK_sgZgF&tbm=isch&ved=0CC4QMygOMA4&biw=1280&bih=667" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Bottom is an early moustache bar. Top one uses the end of these welded on to a later style bar. Not original but good mod for low buses (more clearance). I'm planning to do this to mine at some point! What's wrong with yours/why are you replacing? Might be interested in it ;)

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