Westy curtain rail

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2009
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I need to fit a curtain rail over the slider on my 71 Westy. Does anyone know if the rail from madmatz is the stuff I need and if do, the length needed ? Just looking at these as I'm ordering some other stuff from here so could just add it to the order.



Hi - I have silent gliss curtain rail I believe - it's a close match to the OG westy one over the sliding door - the stuff in the picture is hard to tell - mine has a channel but it's offset to the top and you screw into the bottom half of the rail, it will need to be aluminium to bend it around the top

hope that helps


on second look that picture I think shows the screw holes correctly (the rail is upside down if so in the picture)
Hi, yes this is aluminium and looking at it it appears that there's the channel and then a extra overhang for screwing through if that makes sense ?
NLAVW do a repro alumimium rail which I would assume is a perfect replacement. It's on my shopping list.
Yes this is the stuff.. Adette will give you the right size. Although there's is white.. Sarah @ Vw camper curtains sells the silver.

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