Westy Curtains

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2008
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I was just wondering if any one has the original Westy Curtains in their van? I’m looking specifically for 69 interiors, but any thing will help.


I have got my original 69 westy curtains in a bag at the mo. I am going to use them as a template for my new ones.

My old ones will be up for grabs. I don't think there is much wrong with them.
thats what im after a template, do you have the front ones too? is there any chance you could give me the measurements of them, I would be eternaly gratefull!

Also do you know how the curtain is mounted on the door. rail?
Ive just remade a set of og ones* for my van. The sliding door curtain is mounted to a sliding rail above the door aperture ... you can get the correct sliders from Go Westy, the samba, or, as I did, from Wilkinsons where they are 10 for 99p. I kid you not. :)

* I know, you cant remake og, but I have, sort of.
See its reasons like this, that I love this forum, mine wont be OG as they will be different material, but i want them to be the same dimentions, could you take some photos of them, i want mine to be as close to original as possible.


the councillor said:
i've just finished*

Clem said:
* sort of.

uber cool said:
Show us a photo

it's under there*


* sort of
your teasing me. :lol: Go on start a gallery off with your van pictures, would love to see more.
i'd love to, but i'm riddled with insecurities and self-doubt :(

i mean, i'm a hopeless waster yes, but i do get some things finished, and just unveiling them to the general public is bad enough, without giving access for the whole planet to judge... as an aside; look at how many posts i've made, and how many threads i've actually started... it's the fear of rejection... i just can't cope...

had a good 'discussion' over on vzi about this, and whether or not it's that fear of criticism that stops a certain type of person actually finishing anything, because while it's still at the planning or half-finished or nearly-finished stage you're immune from criticism, because you can always say, "yeah it's getting another coat" or "yeah i'll be dressing that weld" and so on... once it's 'finished' and in the public domain, you're fair game :oops:

so, my photobucket account is just pages and pages of doctored owl photos :roll:
To be honest once you start modifing a car/van/bus its never finished, its always evolving.

As for criticism, who cares, not everybody like the same thing, just do what you want, life too short to procrastinate (i think that's how you spell it).

I just wonder how you get time in the garage whilst you are locked in your bedroom on the net?

Or is the van in there as well :mrgreen:

Hey we're done ok to change the thread direction from curtains!
the short answer is that i don't get any time to do anything on it :roll:

today (apart from a PTA meeting this afternoon) and my 'job' i've been preparing a financial report for a meeting i've got to go to in precisely 9 minutes, and i've had a 'window' open on here as i've been sat at the computer, so as to be able to post occasional snippets of nonsense in order to break up the financial monotony... i have an aptitude for mathematics but i'm no accountant :? so yes, technically i'm locked in here with the damn computer but i am doing other stuff, honest

as for criticism... people can't help themselves can they... my current signature down there vvvvv comes from a thread on a hot rod forum, where a guy's building a killer chassis and yet there are still people sniping at his work, and it's absolutely incredible craftsmanship... water off a duck's back to the likes of him i guess but i'd either crumple under the pressure and throw my computer out of the window or hunt the snipers down like dogs... at least working in 'secrecy' means i only have clements and my wife blighting me to finish it :oops:
the hot rod forum, is that the one based on a Vw spilt? Didnt know you liked the hot rod things as well? Are you in the NW? if so have you been to the meet in Preston beginning of the month?
it's this if you can be arsed ploughing through it...

http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=336494" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

i mean it's amazing... no more amazing than man conceiving of concorde, or the saturn v, or dairylea dunkers, but it's just one of those situations where some guy (i'm into his bikes but his rods are pretty good as well :roll: ) takes the time to say, "hey, here's what i've been up to recently" and it's just a ******* staggering piece of work, speaking as somebody who aspires to that kind of stuff but who knows that they'll never ever get even close to it, and amongst all the dozens of people hauling their jaws off the floor there's always, always an "actually, if you look at the angle of that crossmember etc. etc" and i wonder how

a) he can cope without wanting to kill them
b) how i'd cope, bearing in mind i'm a bit rubbish.

as an aside; "i'm into his bikes blah blah"

what does that mean ?

well, i'm a right puff; wouldn't get me on a motorbike for all the tea in china (i have been given a broken scooter though, although i'll never actually get round to fixing it so that's ok) but there's a certain style of bike that pushes all my buttons, in the same way that matt ballz' bus almost makes me want to snap my glasses and throw them in the fowey because i know i could never gaze on something so beautiful ever again.



nyom nyom, as they say. that thing is ******* killer
uber cool said:
jesus ***** ******* christ :shock: that is some welding

isn't it though 8)

i could never criticise anybody who'd actually finished a car :oops: but you look at some of the cars that are eulogised in 'our' magazines for what is in a lot of cases just a couple of fresh floorpans and a nice gloss black finish and it's like, er, "meh".

uber cool said:
inland revenue returns

oh christ; that time of year again is it :? there's a story for an earlybay surf camp-out extravaganza campfire chat session...


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