it's this if you can be arsed ploughing through it..." onclick=";return false;
i mean it's amazing... no more amazing than man conceiving of concorde, or the saturn v, or dairylea dunkers, but it's just one of those situations where some guy (i'm into his bikes but his rods are pretty good as well :roll: ) takes the time to say, "hey, here's what i've been up to recently" and it's just a ******* staggering piece of work, speaking as somebody who aspires to that kind of stuff but who knows that they'll never ever get even close to it, and amongst all the dozens of people hauling their jaws off the floor there's always, always an "actually, if you look at the angle of that crossmember etc. etc" and i wonder how
a) he can cope without wanting to kill them
b) how i'd cope, bearing in mind i'm a bit rubbish.
as an aside; "i'm into his bikes blah blah"
what does that mean ?
well, i'm a right puff; wouldn't get me on a motorbike for all the tea in china (i have been given a broken scooter though, although i'll never actually get round to fixing it so that's ok) but there's a certain style of bike that pushes all my buttons, in the same way that matt ballz' bus almost makes me want to snap my glasses and throw them in the fowey because i know i could never gaze on something so beautiful ever again.
nyom nyom, as they say. that thing is *******